"Referred Students' Motivators and Barriers to Participate in an Eimoc " by Derek Hevel and Lauren Von Schaumburg

Referred Students' Motivators and Barriers to Participate in an Eimoc Program

Publication Date


Document Type



Kinesiology & Recreation


Kristen Lagally

Mentor Department

Kinesiology & Recreation


The purpose of this study is to describe the students' motives and barriers to participating in an Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIMOC) program at Illinois State University. METHODS: Referrals are initiated by Student Health or Counseling Services, and referred students complete an intake session with the School of Kinesiology and Recreation (KNR) Exercise is Medicine on Campus staff. Students are referred to the School of KNR EIMOC program, which is informed and implemented by graduate students and Exercise Science faculty with expertise in the areas of exercise physiology, biomechanics, and exercise psychology. Specific diagnoses are not currently provided by Student health or counseling services to EIMOC staff. RESULTS: Since the initiation of the referral system in 2016, 40 students (Women = 30, Men = 10) have been referred to the EIMOC program - 30 from Health Services and 10 from Counseling Services. Approximately half of these were already performing some activity, but were either not meeting recommended levels of PA or needed assistance with their exercise program. At the time of submission, ten of the 40 had completed full intake questionnaires and consent forms. Descriptive statistics were calculated to identify reasons for pursuing participation in the EIMOC program and clients' current motivations for and barriers to physical activity. All subjects cited "improving energy levels" as an important motivator for physical activity. The top three reported barriers for physical activity were Lack of Willpower (M+SD = 6.1+2.9), Lack of Energy (M+SD = 4.4+2.4) and Social Influence (M+SD = 4.0+1.8). Privacy of the exercise sessions (90%), expertise of the staff (90%), and physician referral (70%) were selected as strong motivators for pursuing the EIMOC program. CONCLUSION: These preliminary data suggest that students referred to Illinois State University's EIMOC program pursue it due to an interest in increasing physical activity levels in a private, supervised setting.


Hevel-graduate, Von Schaumburg-graduate

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