"Availability of Quality Engineering Resources and Lessons for a High S" by Kyle Lieberum and Bayleigh Mull

Availability of Quality Engineering Resources and Lessons for a High School Chemistry Classroom

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Sarah B. Boesdorfer

Mentor Department



Anna Marie Arias

Co-Mentor Department

Teaching and Learning


According to the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), engineering should be part of the learning process in science classes. However, most current science teachers were not trained on how to teach engineering in their classes. Our investigation focused on the curricular resources available to high school chemistry teachers to incorporate engineering into their curriculum. Specifically, we gathered 20 activities involving stoichiometry and engineering from a variety of sources which include TeachEngineering.org and searches through web browsers. Then we coded the materials to assess what supports these activities provided for chemistry teachers. According to our initial findings, thorough resources easily accessed by teachers are difficult to find. The resources that are available are typically lacking background knowledge or helpful tips for teachers to understand the content they are teaching. It is essential for teachers to understand the content and pedagogical concepts they are trying to teach, including rationales for the activities if they are going to incorporate them. In addition, the engineering content knowledge provided in these materials for chemistry teachers is discussed. Implications for resources available to support chemistry teachers in fully implementing NGSS in their classes are discussed.



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