"Serving Students: The Legacy of Milner’s Library 01: Old Main (3 panel" by Angela L. Bonnell



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As the first fulltime librarian, Ange. V. Milner had gone above and beyond her charged duties to “rearrange, classify, and catalogue” the collections. She created a library space conducive to study and expanded library hours from one day a week to Monday through Friday, eight hours a day. The course catalog indicated that a “librarian is always in attendance” in a “well-chosen library, carefully adapted to the needs of the school.” To better help students in their coursework she created 400 individual “reference sheets,” now better known as annotated bibliographies, to guide students in the use of the collection. The article she wrote on this in Public Libraries became recommended reading for librarians in Alice B. Kroeger’s seminal Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books: A Manual for Librarians, Teachers, and Students (1902).

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Library and Information Science


The file represents part of the physical exhibit Serving Students: The Legacy of Milner’s Library, which was displayed in Milner Library, Illinois State University, from October 13, 2017 to February 19, 2018.

All exhibit files in ISU ReD: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/servingstudents/

Exhibit website: https://library.illinoisstate.edu/exhibits/2017/serving-students/

This file consists of three panels.

Serving Students: The Legacy of Milner’s Library 01: Old Main (3 panels)
