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“Making the World a Better Place: Lewis’s Advice to a Teacher”
“Fascists in America: Gender and Dystopia in It Can’t Happen Here and The Handmaid’s Tale,” by Sally E. Parry, Illinois State University
“The Nation Reprints Lewis Essays”
“Lewis Session at ALA Focuses on Middle-Class Life, Awards, and Bibliography”
Abstracts of the Sinclair Lewis Panel at 2000 ALA
“‘Snoway Talkcher Father’: The Construction of the Suburban Family in Babbitt,” by M. Ellen Dupree, University of Nevada-Reno
“A Plea for a Bibliography of Sinclair Lewis,” by James Lorson, Lorson’s Books and Prints
“Delicate Fellows and Fugitives from Rage: The American Nobel Laureate,” by Ralph Goldstein
Illinois State University English Department
Publication Date
Spring 2000
Normal, IL
English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
The Sinclair Lewis Society, "The Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 2" (2000). Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter. 40.