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Jordan Arellanes

Mentor Department



The present study focused on the subsample of Latinx youth who did not go to college to further their education. This study found that participants whose lives were impacted by immigration and had low involvement from parents towards academic success demonstrated lower academic resilience. This suggests that immigration impacts and parental rolls play major roles in Latinx youth achieving academic resilience. The sample focused on 373 total participants between the ages of 18-24 and did not attend college. Data was collected through Qualtrics software and were asked both qualitative and quantitative questions related to their culture, citizenship, family life, and educational experiences and values. Regarding the variable of immigration, participants were asked whether they or their parents are US citizens. For the variable of parental roles (mothers and fathers separately) qualitative reports were reviewed and coded by 7 undergraduate and graduate researchers. Researchers coded the data on a 1-5 scale with 1=very negative to 5 very positive. The mean score of the seven researchers was utilized in this project. Academic Resilience was measured using the Academic Resilience scale (ARS-30). This scale has three subscales. The moderation model that will be used throughout this study will test each subscale independently. The model supports how the impacts of immigration and parental roles affect the outcome of academic resilience within Latinx adolescents. Implications will suggest that immigration indirectly affects students’ academic resiliency through the role of each parent.


Authors: Grace Martinez, Vanessa Diaz, Allie McLarty, Jordan Arellanes

Latino/A Parental Roles And Immigration On Academic Resiliency