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Pranshoo Solanki

Mentor Department



In an attempt of the US Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) continuous clearing waterways for improved aquatic navigation, a surplus of more than 2,000,000 cubic yards of dredged material between three locations of Sangamon River - Decatur, Il, Mackinaw River - Pekin, Il, and Bull’s Island - Ottawa, Il require sustainable repurposing. To resolve this, the beneficial use of this material has been investigated by assessing reports given by the USACE as well as conducting independent research to highlight the best, most feasible use based upon composition, location of the surplus sites, and cost associated with use and transportation of the dredged material. Upon request of the USACE, sustainability and environmental conscientiousness, defined by preserving the use of renewable resources in the future as well as repurposing nonrenewable waste, have also been taken into account. Determinants for the material use and market have been drawn from cold call surveys of potential markets within the state of Illinois with the following focus: landfill covering and lining, university research, green infrastructure/construction, and remediation of soil/habitats. Because this is an ongoing study, preliminary survey results will lead to an established marketability plan that will define the measures for the most suitable project to ensue.


Authors: Sara Schelinski, Meghan Glynn, Allison Morgan, Raquel Zvirbulis

This project has not received IRB approval.

Beneficial Use of Dredged Material: Addressing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Surplus Problem

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