Content Posted in 2013
01-06-1977 Clerk Memo, Unknown
01-07-1977 Clerk Memo, Unknown
01-07-1977 Correspondence from White to Rehnquist, Byron R. White
01-08-1973 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
01-15-1971 Memorandum to the Conference, Warren E. Burger
01-16-1973 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
01-19-1977 Correspondence from Powell to Rehnquist, Lewis F. Powell
01-21-1977 Correspondence from Powell to Rehnquist, Lewis F. Powell
02-09-1973 Clerk Memo, Unknown
02-15-1973 Correspondence from Stewart to Rehnquist, Potter Stewart
02-16-1977 Correspondence from Burger to Rehnquist, Warren E. Burger
02-21-1973 Memorandum to the Conference, Sandra Phillips
02-24-1973 Correspondence from Powell to Rehnquist, Lewis F. Powell
04-13-1977 Chief Justice, Per Curiam, Warren E. Burger
04-13-1977 Correspondence from Powell to Burger, Lewis F. Powell
04-19-1977 Justice Brennan, Per Curiam, William J. Brennan
04-20-1986 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
04-24-1986 Clerk Memo, Unknown
04-25-1986 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
05-11-1970 Justice Harlan, Per Curiam, John Harlan
05-12-1970 Correspondence from Brennan to Harlan, William J. Brennan
05-12-1970 Correspondence from Stewart to Harlan, Potter Stewart
05-12-1970 Correspondence from White to Harlan, Byron R. White
05-12-1986 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
05-15-1970 Justice Harlan, Per Curiam, John Harlan
06-09-1986 Clerk Memo, Unknown
06-16-1986 Correspondence from O'Connor to White, Sandra Day O'Connor
06-16-1986 Correspondence from Rehnquist to White, William H. Rehnquist
06-17-1986 Justice White, Concurring and Dissenting, Byron R. White
06-18-1986 Correspondence from Burger to White, Warren E. Burger
06-25-1986 Justice White, Concurring, Byron R. White
06-27-1986 Clerk Memo, Unknown
06-27-1986 Correspondence from White to Brennan, Byron R. White
06-27-1986 Justice Brennan, Concurring, William J. Brennan
06-27-1986 Justice Brennan, Dissenting, William J. Brennan
06-27-1986 Justice Brennan, Per Curiam, William J. Brennan
06-28-1963 Memorandum to the Conference, Lewis F. Powell
06-28-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Lewis F. Powell
06-28-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Thurgood Marshall
06-28-1986 Justice White, Concurring, Byron R. White
06-29-1983 Correspondence from Stevens to Marshall, John Paul Stevens
06-29-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Thurgood Marshall
06-29-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Thurgood Marshall
06-30-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Thurgood Marshall
06-30-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Warren E. Burger
06-30-1986 Correspondence from Blackmun to Brennan, Harry A. Blackmun
06-30-1986 Justice Brennan, Dissenting, William J. Brennan
06-30-1986 Justice Brennan, Per Curiam, William J. Brennan
07-01-1983 Correspondence from Powell to O'Connor, Lewis F. Powell
07-01-1983 Memorandum to the Conference, Sandra Day O'Connor
07-01-1986 Justice Brennan, Concurring, William J. Brennan
07-01-1986 Per Curiam, William J. Brennan
09-05-1969 Justice Black, Application to Vacate Suspension of Order Denied, Hugo L. Black
09-12-1985 Preliminary Memorandum, Unknown
09-20-1983 Clerk Memo, Unknown
09-23-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Black, John M. Harlan
10-14-1977 Correspondence from Marshall to Rehnquist, Thurgood Marshall
10-25-1969 Memorandum to the Conference, Warren E. Burger
10-26-1969 Memorandum to the Conference, Hugo L. Black
10-27-1969 Memorandum to the Conference, Thurgood Marshall
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Black to Burger, Hugo L. Black
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Brennan to Burger, William J. Brennan
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Burger, John M. Harlan
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Burger, John M. Harlan
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Burger, John Harlan
10-28-1969 Correspondence from Marshall to Burger, Thurgood Marshall
10-28-1969 Memorandum to the Conference, Warren E. Burger
10-30-1985 Justice O'Connor, Per Curiam, Sandra Day O'Connor
10-30-1985 Preliminary Memorandum, Karl S. Coplan
10-31-1969 Justice Stewart, Per Curiam, Potter Stewart
11-02-1985 Preliminary Memorandum, Unknown
11-04-1969 Correspondence from Brennan to Stewart, William J. Brennan
11-04-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Stewart, John Harlan
11-05-1969 Justice Stewart, Per Curiam, Potter Stewart
11-06-1969 Correspondence from White to Stewart, Byron R. White
11-06-1971 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
11-12-1969 Justice Harlan, Per Curiam, John Harlan
11-15-1985 Preliminary Memorandum, Unknown
11-19-1969 Correspondence from Burger to Stewart, Warren E. Burger
11-19-1969 Correspondence from Harlan to Stewart, John Harlan
12-03-1976 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
12-07-1971 Correspondence from Brennan to White, William J. Brennan
12-07-1971 Correspondence from Stewart to White, Potter Stewart
12-09-1971 Correspondence from Blackmun to White, Harry A. Blackmun
12-09-1971 Correspondence from Marshall to White, Thurgood Marshall
3-22-1977 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
3-30-1977 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
9-15-1976 Notes from Oral Argument, Harry A. Blackmun
abd-A Regulation by the iab-8 Noncoding RNA, Maheshwar Gummalla, Robert K. Maeda, Javier J. Castro Alvarez, Henrik Gyurkovics, Kevin A. Edwards, Swetha Singari, and Welcome Bender
A Community in Bloom: An affordable housing needs assessment of West Bloomington, Margaret L. Anderson, Lloyd Banwart, David F. Becker, Dana Bulba, Jared Dellinger, Mimi duong, Julie Ornee, Katie Mitchell, Andrew Piotrowski, Hillary Smith, Dustin Stoltz, Mandy Swartzendruber, Niko Valaris, and Katie Weber
A Cross Cultural Gendered Analysis of France’s and the United States Dietary Guidelines, A. Nikki Yerkes
A Database of Wing Diversity in the Hawaiian Drosophila, Kevin A. Edwards, Linden T. Doescher, Kenneth Y. Kaneshiro, and Daisuke Yamamoto
Additional Routes to Staphylococcus aureus Daptomycin Resistance as Revealed by Comparative Genome Sequencing, Transcriptional Profiling, and Phenotypic Studies, Yang Song, Aileen Rubio, Radheshyam K. Jayaswal, Jared A. Silverman, and Brian J. Wilkinson
A History of the Illinois State Normal University, John Williston Cook and James V. McHugh
A Look Inside The Freshman 15, Steven Kuhn
Amphetamine Elicits Opposing Actions on Readily Releasable and Reserve Pools for Dopamine, Dan P. Covey, Steven A. Juliano, and Paul A. Garris
An African-American Resources and Needs Assessment of the West Bloomington Area, Phase 1, Karishma Amatya, Nicholas Beaty, Jamie Boban, Joanna Bossi, Tyler Curtis, Casandra Fritzsche, Andrew Griffin, David Johnson, Sasha Miranda, Dana Overman, Emily Putnam, Jared Ulschmid, and Tessa Zevallos
An Analysis of the Application of Club Good Models to Determine Carrying Capacity of National Parks, Rachel Smith
An Analysis of the Economic Impact of Biodiesel Production in Illinois, Kelly Uphoff
An Assessment of the Human Right to Safe and Sanitary Housing for Transitional Age Youth in Mendocino County, Jamie Boban
Annual Report, 2005-2006, Mennonite College of Nursing
Annual Report, 2006-2007, Mennonite College of Nursing
Annual Report, 2007-2008, Mennonite College of Nursing
Annual Report, 2008-2009, Mennonite College of Nursing
Annual Report, 2009-2010, Mennonite College of Nursing
Annual Report, 2011-2012, Mennonite College of Nursing
A Place for Education, Roger J. Champagne
A review of assistive technology and writing skills for students with physical and educational disabilities, Howard P. Parette, Jack J. Hourcade, and George R. Peterson-Karlan
Assets and Needs Assessment of Senior Residents in the West Bloomington Neighborhood, Case Bell, Melissa Busher, Amy Deal, Ted Fischer, Christine Holmes, Joseph Lauchlan, Shane Peterson, Janelle Jones, Eric Porter, Brad Pribe, and Viktor Shrader
Asymmetrical competition and patterns of abundance of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens (Diptera : Culicidae), Katie S. Costanzo, Kimberly Mormann, and Steven A. Juliano
Bluegrass Discography [Review], Anne Shelley
Building a Community-based Food System: Green Economic Development in Central Illinois, Tim Glaza
Can the effective use of imagery in marketing publications help create a more diversified campus community at Illinois State University?, Deanne Hamblin
Catching a Cold: A Look at the Expected Contagion Effect of Neighboring Income Inequality, Jared Dellinger
Characterization of the Phytochelatin Synthase of Schistosoma mansoni, Debalina Ray and David L. Williams
Competitive Abilities in Experimental Microcosms Are Accurately Predicted by a Demographic Index for R*, Ebony G. Murrell and Steven A. Juliano
Connecting to learn: Educational and assistive technologies for people with disabilities, Howard P. Parette and Marcia J. Scherer
Contested Nation: Freedman and the Cherokee Nation, Dave Watt
Convergent habitat segregation of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae) in southeastern Brazil and Florida, Marieta A H Braks, Ricardo Lourenco-De-Oliveira, Steven A. Juliano, Nildimar A. Honorio, and L Philip Lounibos
Cracks in the Black Dike: Secrecy, the Media, and the F-117A, Jim Cunningham
Cyberplagiarism and the Library: Issues and Solutions, Jennifer Sharkey and Bartow Culp
Detritus type alters the outcome of interspecific competition between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae), Ebony G. Murrell and Steven A. Juliano
Development of the Teachers College in the United States with Special Reference to the Illinois State Normal University, Charles A. Harper
Differences Lead to Differences: Diversity and Income Inequality Across Countries, Michael Hotard
Direct and indirect effects of animal detritus on growth, survival, and mass of invasive container mosquito Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae, Donald A. Yee, Banugopan Kesavaraju, and Steven A. Juliano
Does a Weak Social Fabric Fuel the Predatory Lending Industry? The Link Between Payday Lending Activity and Community Trust, Alyssa H. Curran
Do You Have the Personality for Teaching Music?, David W. Snyder
Dual Legacies of the Grateful Dead: Official and Unofficial, Jeremy Berg
Economic Growth and Social Development, Janelle Jones
Educating Illinois: Illinois State University, 1857-2007, John B. Freed
Effects of habitat type and drying on Ascogregarina barretti (Eugregarinida : Lecudinidae) infection in Aedes triseritatus (Diptera : Culicidae), Stephen L. Van Rhein, Barry E. Flanary, and Steven A. Juliano
Embedded Right Where the Students Live: A Librarian in the University Residence Halls, Dallas Long
Environmental Correlates of Abundances of Mosquito Species and Stages in Discarded Vehicle Tires, Donald A. Yee, Jamie M. Kneitel, and Steven A. Juliano
Establishing Twenty-First-Century Information Fluency, Jennifer Sharkey
Ethnic Diversity And Poverty: A Dynamic Panel Study Of Illinois Counties, Ambuj Neupane
Family and cultural issues in assistive technology, Howard P. Parette and Joan Breslin Larson
Family and cultural issues in AT service delivery, Howard P. Parette and Tom Nurse
Feminist Consciousness and Social Capital: Bonds, Breaks, and Bridges, Beverly A. Beyer
Financial Liberalization and Money Demand in Mauritius, Rebecca Hodel
Food Insecurity in Bloomington-Normal: How a Grocery Cooperative Might Help Meet the Needs of Low-Income Residents, Nichole Brants; Emma Healy; Raina Kirchner; Jeff Koch; Ben McNair; Aaron Tester; Ashley Toenjes,; Alex Trimble; and Dave Warren
Gender Transformation at the Grassroots: A Gender and Development Program from the Practitioners' Perspective, Tyler Curtis
Geographic variation in adult survival and reproductive tactics of the mosquito Aedes albopictus, Paul T. Leisnham, L M. Sala, and Steven A. Juliano
Golden Rule Reference: Face-to-Face and Virtual, Chad E. Buckley
Grandest of Enterprises: Illinois State University, 1857-1957, Helen E. Marshall
Histone H2A and H2B Are Monoubiquitinated at AID-Targeted Loci, Glen M. Borchert, Nathaniel W. Holton, Kevin A. Edwards, Laura A. Vogel, and Erik D. Larson
Illinois State University’s Student Health Agenda, Cecilia Montesdeoca
Inadequate Access to Healthy Opportunities and Structural Violence: A Case Study of Health Disparities among Hispanics in McLean County, Cecilia Montesdeoca
Income Growth in U.S. States: Is it Pro-Poor?, Brandon Curtis
Interspecific and intraspecific differences in foraging preferences of container-dwelling mosquitoes, Kesavaraju Banugopan, Donald A. Yee, and Steven A. Juliano
Invertebrate carcasses as a resource for competing Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera : Culicidae), M P. Daugherty, B W. Alto, and Steven A. Juliano
It Takes More than Public Speaking: A Leadership Analysis of The King’s Speech, Patrice-Andre Prud'homme and Brandon O. Hensley
Ivory Tower Graduates in the Red: The Role of Debt in Higher Education, Nicholas D. Hartlep and Lucille Eckrich
Latino Students’ Perceptions of the Academic Library, Dallas Long
Libraries and Campus Globalization, Barbara J. Ford
Linezolid Exerts Greater Bacterial Clearance but No Modification of Host Lung Gene Expression Profiling: A Mouse MRSA Pneumonia Model, Jiwang Chen, Gang Feng, Yang Song, Juliane B. Wardenburg, Simon Lin, Ichiro Inoshima, Michael Otto, and Richard G. Wunderink
Local Food Systems in Central Illinois: An Economic Impact Analysis, Joseph Lauchlan and Viktor Schrader
Mainstream and Alternative News in Seattle: A Comparative Media Frame Analysis of WTO Protest Coverage, Richard Feffer S.
Making Partnerships Count: A Case Study: The Role of Social Capital in the 2009 Homeless Count in Suburban Cook County, Jessica Aleksy
Measuring the Effectiveness of the Statewide Initiative: “The Maturing of Illinois”, Joseph Alustiza
Memorandum to the Conference, Potter Stewart
Minimum Wage as a Poverty Reducing Measure, Kevin Souza
No Evolutionary Response to Four Generations of Laboratory Selection on Antipredator Behavior of Aedes albopictus: Potential Implications for Biotic Resistance to Invasion, Banugopan Kesavaraju and Steven A. Juliano
Nuestros Niños: Child Care Needs Assessment for the Latino Population in Bloomington-Normal, Andrew Maxwell, Joseph Alustiza, Sean Moore, Mary Stephen, Sanjay Soman, Andrew Kasprzak, Brian Hillery, Kara Harvey, Michael Hotard, Rebecca Bliss, Brandon Curtis, Adrienne Martin, Bishal Kasu, and Jessica Aleksy
On The Removal of Download Access to Grateful Dead Soundboards From the Live Music Archive, Jeremy Berg
Our town: a neighborhood assessment, Christina Davila, Ramya Kumaran, Calvin P. LeSueur, Brett Michaelson, Renee Petrucelli, Katie Raynor, Daniel Sheets-Poling, Katie Simpson, Matthew Tomlin, and Rachelle Ann Wilson
Political Party Strength, Unionization Rates, and Economic Growth in the United Sates, Amber Madden
Precipitation and temperature effects on populations of Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae): Implications for range expansion, B W. Alto and Steven A. Juliano
Quantitative High-Throughput Screen Identifies Inhibitors of the Schistosoma mansoni Redox Cascade, Anton Simeonov, Ajit Jadhav, Ahmed A. Sayed, Yuhong Wang, Michael E. Nelson, Craig J. Thomas, James Inglese, David L. Williams, and Christopher P. Austin
Reducing Our Waste in Bloomington-Normal, IL, Ashley Conrad; Alyssa Curran; Phillip Dawson; Tim Glaza; Lauren Karplus; Greg King; Amber Madden; Dane Myers; Ambuj Neupane; Nancy Ouedraogo; Elizabeth Rardin; Katie Saunders; Robyn Savacool; Carolyn Schulte; Danielle Shtraus,; Kate Slisz; Andrew Smolski,; Luke Tervola,; and Jenna Williams
Reflections of pre-Service teachers on their own teaching practices, David W. Snyder
Religious Groups and the Freshman Experience, Tess Culton
Restrictiveness and race in special education: The issue of cultural reciprocity, Howard P. Parette
Results of the 2013 Good To Go Commuter Challenge Impact Survey, Mike McCurdy and Tyler Curtis
Re-visioning Information Literacy for Lifelong Meaning, Dane Ward
Seasonal Photoperiods Alter Developmental Time and Mass of an Invasive Mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae), Across Its North-South Range in the United States, Steven A. Juliano, Donald A. Yee, and Steven M. Vamosi
Semi-Centennial History of the Illinois State Normal University: 1857-1907, David Felmley
Speed is Relative (Human and Animal Running Speeds): Are You a Cheetah, a Chicken, or a Snail?, Chad E. Buckley
Students Research the Library: Using Student-led Ethnographic Research to Examine the Changing Role of Campus Libraries, Gina Hunter and Dane Ward
Temperature effects on the dynamics of Aedes albopictus (Diptera : Culicidae) populations in the laboratory, Barry W. Alto and Steven A. Juliano
The Conundrum of Developing Country`s Heritage Tourism: How Tourism Destroys what it Tries to Preserve, Jessica Meado
The Culture of CrossFit: A Lifestyle Prescription for Optimal Health and Fitness, Steven Kuhn
The Effect of Economic Freedom on Workers' Remittances to Labor Sending Countries, Lloyd Banwart
The Eleventh Decade, Helen E. Marshall
The Flame Burns Brightly, Ralph A. Bellas
The Foundations of Student Affairs: A Guide to the Profession, Dallas Long
The Fourteenth Decade: Illinois State University, 1987-1997, Marc Wyman
The Future of Information Literacy: Transforming the World, Dane Ward
The Future of Peer-Reviewed Scientific Video Journals, David Stern
The Impact of HIV on Economic Development, Kate Jones-Smith
Theories and Models of Student Development, Dallas Long
The Passing of the Flame, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Past, Present and Future of Transnational Conflict in Jordan: A Study of Syrian Refugees in the Hashemite Kingdom, David F. Becker
The Progression of the Field of Kinesics, Megan Waiflein
The Role of Language and Politics: A Look at National-Identity Formation in Eastern Ukraine, Andrew Maxwell
The Scale of Population Structure in Arabidopsis thaliana, Alexander Platt, Matthew Horton, Yu S. Huang, Yan Li, Alison E. Anastasio, Ni Wayan Mulyati, Jon Agren, Oliver Bossdorf, Diane Byers, Kathleen Donohue, Megan Dunning, Eric B. Holub, Andrew Hudson, Valerie Le Corre, Olivier Loudet, Fabrice Roux, Norman Warthmann, Detlef Weigel, Luz Rivero, Randy Scholl, Magnus Nordborg, Joy Bergelson, and Justin O. Borevitz
The Stethoscoop, Issue 1, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Stethoscoop, Issue 2, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Stethoscoop, Issue 3, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Stethoscoop, Issue 4, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Stethoscoop, Issue 5, Mennonite College of Nursing
The Thirteenth Decade: Illinois State University, 1977-1987, Roger J. Champagne
Thioredoxin glutathione reductase from schistosoma mansoni: An essential parasite enzyme and a key drug target, Angela N. Kuntz, Elizabeth Davioud-Charvet, Ahmed A. Sayed, Lindsay L. Califf, Jean Dessolin, Elias S.J. Arner, and David L. Williams
Towards information fluency: applying a different model to an information literacy credit course, Jennifer Sharkey
Universal design for instruction: Understanding faculty practices and needs, Howard P. Parette, Hedda Medan, Brian Wojcik, and Jeffery P. Bakken
Unlocking Hungary's Libraries: a case for a digital library at Berzsenyi College, Dallas Long
Utilizing Filmmaking to Advance Generation Y’s Information Fluency, Jennifer Sharkey
Virtual Reference and In-depth Assistance Using Shared Workspaces, David Stern
Waiting for Weighted Navigation, David Stern
Wing Shape as an Indicator of Larval Rearing Conditions for Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), C R. Stephens and Steven A. Juliano