"Entertainment-Related Excessive Sound Exposure (ERESE): Associated Aud" by Ashley Lenard and Antony Joseph

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date

Spring 3-8-2019

First Advisor

Antony Joseph, MA., Au.D., Ph.D., ABAC, CCC-A, CPS/A, F-NAP


Speech Pathology and Audiology


Previous studies have reported that exposure to hazardous sounds can result in a mild to profound degree of temporary and permanent hearing loss. Typically, individuals exposed to loud industrial noise develop a notch or dip at or near the pure-tone test frequency 4,000 Hz. Exposure to hazardous recreational and work-place sound has been associated with noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and tinnitus has been associated with exposure to high-intensity concert sound as well. The purpose of this project was to report whether audiometric patterns have been reported in the literature that may be associated with entertainment-related excessive sound exposure (ERESE). Over 30 articles were read and a total of 14 articles were analyzed for this literature review. We determined that extended ERESE primarily affects hearing thresholds in the high-frequency range. This result is consistent with the audiometric configuration of occupational NIHL. To prevent NIHL and ERESE, hearing protection should be worn properly and for the entire duration of exposure. Altogether, limited research was discovered that identified audiometric configurations associated with ERESE, so more research is needed to gather clinical evidence about audiometric outcomes and best practices for hearing loss.
