"Assistive Devices for Communication Use with the Elderly" by Corrine Koepsell and Antony Joseph

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date


First Advisor

Antony Joseph, MA., Au.D., Ph.D., ABAC, CCC-A, CPS/A, F-NAP


hearing loss, elderly, hearing aids, assistive listening devices, ALDs, hearing loss in residential facilities, audiology, age related hearing loss, audiological rehabilitation


Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology


Hearing loss is one of the prevalent medical conditions in older adults. Although it has been documented that hearing loss is associated with various aspects of social and physical health, hearing assistive technologies and audiologic rehabilitation have been infrequently tapped clinical solutions. Cost and user problems in background noise are two common reasons why hearing aids are underutilized by seniors, and by younger age groups as well. Alternative tools, such as assistive listening devices, may be helpful for older listeners, even though they are used less frequently than hearing aids. To identify if assistive listening devices are satisfactory, a pilot study was conducted involving older subjects residing in an assisted-living community.
