"Ensuring Equitable Treatment for People of Color Receiving Audiology C" by Isabel Guidotti and Antony Joseph

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date

Spring 3-6-2023

First Advisor

Antony Joseph, MA., Au.D., Ph.D., ABAC, CCC-A, CPS/A, F-NAP


Speech and Hearing Science | Speech Pathology and Audiology


Abstract 1- Introduction: As health care providers, serving patients equitably may require concurrent caring for the concerns and demands of family members as well. When striving to provide equitable care to patients of all backgrounds, familial participation throughout an appointment can play a substantial role. Case Presentation: An older adult male patient who used English as a second language presented with moderate, sloping to severe, mixed hearing loss, bilaterally. Hearing aid options were counseled and discussed in detail with the patient and his spouse. Discussion: The patient’s wife played an active role throughout the appointment and served as a valuable advocate. This case serves to remind us that, in some cultures, family participation in the healthcare of a relative is more commonly observed and expected. Conclusion: Family- centered healthcare is a key component for the delivery of a culturally welcoming environment, and this should be a priority for all health professionals.

Abstract 2- Introduction: For patients of color with limited-English proficiency (LEP), cultural safety includes undisputed access to interpreting services during healthcare appointments, whether that be provided through a professional interpreter or a relative. As healthcare providers, we are both ethically and legally bound to have interpreting services available for patients to utilize. Case Presentation: An older adult female patient who used English as a second language presented with severe sloping to profound hearing loss in the right ear and a profound hearing loss in the left. Hearing aid options were presented and discussed in detail with the patient and her adult daughter, who acted as the patient’s interpreter. Discussion: While the patient’s daughter was sufficient in completing the appointment despite the extensive language barrier, some might suggest that a professional interpreter would be beneficial. By the same token, others might argue that using a family member as an interpreter would enhance cultural safety. Conclusion: The advantages and disadvantages of using a professional interpreter over a family member can be largely contended, but the central principle remains: an interpreter must be present in an appointment with a LEP patient.
