"Case Reports on Auditory Deprivation and Audiologic Management" by Marysue Koelling and Antony Joseph

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date

Spring 3-8-2023

First Advisor

Antony Joseph, MA., Au.D., Ph.D., ABAC, CCC-A, CPS/A, F-NAP


Communication Sciences and Disorders | Speech Pathology and Audiology


Abstract 1- Introduction: Long-term follow-up appointments are beneficial for cochlear implant (CI) users. Several factors can influence individual auditory performance, even after years of experience with amplification use. Maintaining routine follow-up appointments with an audiologist can provide verification measures, auditory monitoring, and ongoing counseling to achieve optimal performance with CI technology. Case Presentation: An elderly, female patient with a monaural CI presented to the clinic with a significant decline in speech perception after years of use. Discussion: The goal of CI programming is to effectively convert acoustic input into a usable electric signal for each stimulated electrode to produce adequate auditory exposure and avoid the deleterious effects of auditory deprivation. Conclusion: Commitment to annual programming and follow-up is critical to maintaining the stability of auditory performance and speech perception abilities. The need for additional research on the stability of speech perception abilities in the older adult CI population was evident.

Abstract 2- Introduction: Auditory deprivation occurs when the auditory system is deprived of sound, resulting in an inability to process auditory information over time. Individuals with untreated hearing loss are susceptible to the negative consequences associated with auditory deprivation, regardless of the type and degree of hearing loss. Presentation: A young adult female patient with asymmetrical hearing loss since childhood and significant hearing health history presented to the clinic. She had a history of unsuccessful hearing aid use and had been without any form of amplification in either ear for approximately 11 years. Discussion: The implications of hearing loss can go unnoticed for years, especially when hearing-impaired people implement strategies to compensate for their hearing loss. Hearing aids will provide ample access to auditory signals to avoid late-onset auditory deprivation. Conclusion: Sufficient and consistent auditory stimulation is essential to avoid the implications of auditory deprivation.
