"Evaluation and Treatment of Central Auditory Processing and Sound Tole" by Aaliyah Gladney and Antony Joseph

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date


First Advisor

Antony Joseph, MA, AuD, PhD, ABAC, CCC-A, CPS/A, F-NAP


adult, central auditory processing disorder, Bellis/Ferre model, prosodic and integration deficit, young adult, hyperacusis, sound tolerance disorder, and cognitive behavioral therapy


Speech Pathology and Audiology


Abstract 1

Introduction: Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) affects how a listener understands speech even though their peripheral auditory system is intact. Case Presentation: An adult female was seen for a CAPD evaluation after experiencing recent listening difficulties following an automobile accident while 20 weeks pregnant. Results from a comprehensive audiological evaluation revealed audiometrically normal hearing in both ears. Results from the CAPD evaluation suggested a prosodic deficit. Discussion: Although results from testing were consistent with a prosodic deficit, the patient’s case history, original complaints, and recommendations were more consistent with an integration deficit. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that clinicians should thoroughly examine a patient’s clinical history. For this case, recommendations aligned with an integration deficit, as opposed to a prosodic processing disorder.

Abstract 2

Introduction: A sound tolerance disorder is when individuals have adverse (either physical or emotional) responses to everyday sounds. A sound tolerance disorder is a broad term that encompasses tinnitus, hyperacusis, misophonia, and phonophobia. Case Presentation: A young adult female was seen for a sound tolerance evaluation. Results from an audiological evaluation revealed normal hearing thresholds and results from a sound tolerance evaluation indicated that a majority of responses to uncomfortable listening levels were in the normal range, which is consistent with hyperacusis. Discussion: Due to reduced uncomfortable listening levels, the patient was diagnosed with hyperacusis and misophonia, and extensive counseling was conducted. The counselor explained what hyperacusis was and presented the various treatment options available to the patient, including sound therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that there may be multiple options available to aid in successful treatment for the patient, while some options may require collaboration with mental health professionals.
