"Case Reports of Two Patients with Sudden Hearing Loss: Idiopathic and " by Lucas D. Lamont

Document Type

Capstone Project

Publication Date

Spring 4-15-2024

First Advisor

Scott Seeman, PhD


Communication Sciences and Disorders


Abstract 1

Introduction: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), commonly known as sudden deafness, is an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing either all at once or over a few days. Regardless of the cause, delayed medical attention for patients with SSNHL can lead to permanent outcomes.

Case presentation: A 56-year-old female presented with reduced hearing sensitivity in her right ear beginning the day of the appointment.

Discussion: Many factors influence a patient’s probability of a complete recovery from SSNHL. Understanding these factors can aide in counseling a patient with realistic expectations.

Conclusion: Patients with SSNHL require immediate medical attention. Prompt medical care gives the patient the best opportunity for recovery.

Abstract 2

Introduction: Ossicular chain dislocation occurs following head trauma. It usually results in conductive hearing loss, which persists for more than 6 months.

Case presentation: A 33-year-old male presented with reduced hearing sensitivity in his right ear following head trauma to his right temporal lobe.

Discussion: CT scans of the temporal bone are the gold standard for diagnosing ossicular chain dislocation, however, audiologists can utilize common audiometric tests to identify this malformation. Audiologists may be the first to recognize this concern.

Conclusion: It’s important that audiologists understand the signs and symptoms associated with ossicular chain dislocation through case history and audiometric test patterns in order to make appropriate referrals.
