Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Culturally Responsive Educational Leadership: a Qualitative Study of Indigenous Innovations, Bert Klunder
Faculty Role in Curriculum Delivery at an International Branch Campus, Edith Pfeifer List
Colorblind Policies and the Discourses That Uphold Them: the Social Construction of Bullying, Kathleen M. O'Brien
Prospects and Challenges of Universal Secondary Education: a Case Study of the Stakeholders’ Perceptions in Southwestern Uganda, Julius Turyatoranwa Turyatoranwa
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Voices of Black Women Superintendents' Experiences, Gloria Cox
Elementary District-Level and Building-Level Leadership Practices That Promote and Sustain Professional Learning Communities, Nathaniel Cunningham Jr.
Pathways to a Brighter Future: Narratives of Latino Students’ Perceptions at Community College, Columba Myra Gaytan-Morales
Principals' Perceptions of Professional Development: Options That Support Effective Leadership, Lisa Lee Geren
Title Ix of the Education Amendments of 1972: Does Its Application Parallel the Original Intent of Congress?, Brittney Gillespie-Porter
An Examination of the First-Generation Student Experience at a Small, Private Institution, Joshua Erik Hayes
Librarians and Student Affairs Professionals as Collaborators for Student Learning and Success, Dallas Long
Racial Stereotype Threat: a Critical Race Perspective, Daniel McCloud
Trio-Eligible Students and Study Abroad: Influential Factors, Barriers, and Benefits, Michael R. Minton
Black Minds Matter: the Academic Identity of First Year African American Stem Students, Christa Dawn Platt
Too Little Stem Workforce in the United States: Framing the Discourse in a Global Setting, Patrice-Andre P. Prud'homme
Effects of Improv Comedy on College Students, Colin Stewart
Assessing Self-Authorship among Athletic Training Students, Jeffrey G. Williams
Illinois Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Advanced Placement® and Dual Credit Courses, Glenn A. Wood
Validating Culturally Responsive Teaching: the Keystone of Success for Latin@s in Higher Education, Maria Luisa Zamudio - Mainou
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
No Longer Working in Silos: a Systems Approach to Improving School Climate, Catherine Ahsell
Executive Coaching as a Model of Professional Development for School Superintendents, Timothy Brian Arnold Jr.
Best Forms of Involvement for First-Year Student Veterans for Academic Success, Saipraseuth Chaleunphonh
Institutional Factors Influencing African-American Male Involvement in Undergraduate Student Organizations, John Mark Davenport
The Impact of Military Experience on the Higher Education Experiences of Veterans, Jeff Dougherty
Ways in which Participation in Intercollegiate Athletics Contributes to the Learning and Development of Student-Athletes, R. Chad Good
A Democracy, if We Can Keep It: Democratic Engagement Policy in Higher Education, Maegan Gorham
Signature Pedagogies In Undergraduate Theatre As Revealed Through Assessment: An Exploratory Study, Chris Gray
Can We Do Better When Students Are a Threat to Self? a Review of Legal and Policy Implications for Current Practices on College Campuses, Jennifer Ann Hemingway
High School Principals and Self-Efficacy: a Phenomenological Examination into the Belief in Ability To Perform the Principalship, Michael S. Miller
Influence of Dietetic Internship Directors' Involvement with Research on the Research Curriculum in Dietetic Internship Programs, Amanda Margaret Bergschneider Newell
Illinois Teacher Evaluation Student Growth Component: a Predecision-Making Policy Analysis, Joshua Robert Olsen
Implicit Bias in College Student Conduct Systems, Scott Stallman
Faculty as Institutional Agents for Students Enrolled in Developmental Education, Jennifer Jane Swartout
Transitioning to a Standards-Based Grading Model at the Middle Level: a Case Study, Jeffrey Scott Szymczak
Raising the Bar: the Stories of Ged Graduates Transitioning to Community College, David Weatherspoon
For-Profit Higher Education Students: How Are They Different?, Brian James Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Inequitable School Funding in Illinois Colorblind or Blindfolded: a Critical Race Theory Analysis Counterstory of Illinois' Lewis E. V. Spagnolo, Mariette Yevette Cheatam
Equality of Opportunity: the Relationship between Tracking and Educational Outcomes, Chris Colgren
Assessment for Learning: an Evaluation of a Professional, Aimee Davis Feehery
An Analysis of Program Evaluation in Community College Learning Assistance Centers, Doug Franklin
Constructing a Community-Centered Learning Environment: University Instructors' Reflections about the First Day of Class, Amanda Rose Frioli
Understanding the Role of Post-Secondary Coaches in High Schools: a Social Capital Analysis, Lynne Haeffele
Exploring the Relationship between Faculty Perceptions of Chairperson-Faculty Member Communication Exchanges and Department Climate, Jodi Lynn Hallsten Lyczak
Building Parent Support for Implementation of Assessment for Learning ( A4 L ) at the High School Level, Sarah Highfill
College Student Unions: a Delphi Study Regarding Purposes, Amenities, Barriers and Future Influences, Michelle Annette Janisz
How Superintendents Facilitate or Effect Instructional or Curricular Change in Their Districts, Carolyn Schaab Koos
Culturally Responsive Teaching: What Do Mexican American Students Have To Say?, Laura Terese LaSalle
Learning To Practice Leadership for Social Justice: an Autoethnography, David S. Martin
More than a Personality Match? High School Administrator Views on the Process, Factors Relevant, and Effectiveness of the Selection of Cooperating Teachers, Julie Lickfelt Pavlini
District Size and Implementation of High School School Improvement Grants, Marla Robinson
Academic Hiring Gatekeeper & Employer Perceptions of Online Degrees and the Acceptability of Online Degrees for Faculty and Administrator Employment in Higher Education, Renee Sinow-Mandelbaum
Distinguishing Assessment from Accountability: Honoring Student Learning and Values in Assessment, Erin Elizabeth Pearce Thomas
The Effects of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law Adjustment and Hold Harmless Provision on Equity in the Illinois General State Aid Funding System, 2000-2011, Toni Marie Waggoner
Predictive Modeling and Alumni Fundraising in Higher Education, Mark Walcott
Mckinney Vento Legislation: a Policy Analysis of the Evolution of Homeless Law in Illinois, Cathleen J. Weber
Patterns of Local Intergovernmental Cooperation in Illinois School Districts, Kathleen Wilkey
A History of Academic Freedom in America, John Karl Wilson
Engaging Engagement: Framing the Civic Education Movement in Higher Education, Chad Woolard
Contradicting Conventional Wisdom: Women Presidents' Abilities To Forge Purposeful and Instrumental Relationships for Institutional Outcomes, Susan Amy Woollen
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Financial Retrenchment: a Phenomenological Study of Two Public School Districts in One Community, John Andrew Asplund
Implementing Nclb: a Case Study in Local Urban School Leadership and School Improvement, Michael James Chinino
The Essential Value of Lgbt Resource Centers, Matthew Raymond Damschroder
Student Internet Speech: Where Does the Schoolyard End in the Cyberworld?, Thomas D. Denny
The Ethos of Excellence in an Effective School: a Study of an Exemplary Urban School, Karen Danita Gyenfie
Perceptions of Educational Administration Pre-service Training by Former Illinois Superintendents Currently Serving as University Professors, Douglas Raymond Kaufman
Nursing Faculty Retention in Private Not-For-profit Colleges and Universities: a Qualitative Study, Sharon Lyons Marquard
An Examination of the Role of Fundraising in Divisions of Student Affairs at Seven Four-Year Public Universities in the Midwest, Danielle Nicole Miller-Schuster
Disparity of Principal Accountability, Mary Kathryn Taylor
Innovation in Academic Libraries during a Time of Crisis, Dane Michael Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A Curriculum Design for Sport Tourism Studies in South Africa, Kamilla Swart