"“Picking My Battles ”: Examining the Experiences of Gender Non-binary " by Mika Raylen Richards

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

John Baldwin


As there is limited research on non-binary individuals, researching the non-binary experience was essential to normalizing their existence. The qualitative research focuses on 12 non-binary individuals who were at different stages of being out. A thematic analysis helped in understanding multifaceted responses from the participants. The data showed that non-binary individuals experience invalidation each day. Heteronormative societies and individuals tend to only see a binary within gender identity and shape their language around it, whether it be from their refusal of learning or a lack of knowledge of the problem. This failure to acknowledge non-binary individuals influenced many of their androgynous appearances, and their communicative patterns with cisgender and transgender individuals.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access



Included in

Communication Commons
