"Beyond the Words: Paratextual and Bibliographic Traces of the Other Re" by Jeffrey Duane Rients

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of English: English Studies

Committee Chair

Brian . Rejack


Over the course of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, compounding technological improvements and expanding education result in unprecedented growth of the reading audience in Britain. This expansion creates a new relationship with the author, opening the horizon of the authorial imagination beyond the discourse community from which the author and the text originate. The relational gap between the author and this new audience manifests as the Other Reader, an anxiety formation that the author reacts to and attempts to preempt. This dissertation tracks these reactions via several authorial strategies that address the alienation of the Other Reader, including the use of prefaces, footnotes, margin notes, asterisks, and poioumena. The deployment of such paratextual and bibliographic tools allow the author to manage the fear of the Other Reader while still addressing their text primarily to their own discourse community.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access


