Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders: Speech-Language Pathology

Committee Chair

Ciera Lorio


Shared book reading is an evidence-based interactive literacy activity that promotes development of oral language and emergent literacy skills in young children; however, literature regarding best practices for parents of children with developmental disabilities under the age of five years, specifically those with complex communication needs, is severely limited. In this descriptive study, the parent and child behaviors of five families with children between 35-48 months who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems were coded and analyzed during parent-child shared book reading interactions. Three families had previous training on AAC use during shared book reading; two families did not have previous training and did not use their child’s AAC system during typical shared book reading interactions at home. Thus, shared book reading without AAC was considered “typical” for these two families, and behaviors were compared across two conditions: shared book reading without AAC versus with AAC. Data showed parents used a variety of shared book reading strategies with an increase in strategies when AAC was present, children relied on multimodal means of communication during shared book reading, and the use of shared book reading strategies and AAC increased the duration of literacy activities. Directions for future research and the implications of the study are discussed.


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