Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

Matthew Hesson-McInnis


The primary purpose of this research study is to continue to investigate the Slut Shaming Scale and determine if it continues to serve as a reliable and valid measure. The secondary purpose of this study is to continue to investigate the sexual double standard, specifically examining the differences between men and women’s experiences. Finally, the third goal of the study is to examine slut shaming perceptions of both men and women who are identified as either white or Black. Participants (n = 539) were recruited using Amazon Mechanical Turk or were recruited through a local Midwestern university. The researcher found some complications in conducting a confirmatory factor analysis but still demonstrated reliability and validity through an exploratory factor analysis. In addition, men’s responses were significantly higher in rating their own slut shaming beliefs, behaviors, victim blaming, and experiences being the victim of slut shaming. When examining if a sexual triple standard exists, results found that there was a main effect of participant race/ethnicity (Black versus white), a main effect of sex of the person in the photo, and an interaction of participant race/ethnicity, participant gender, and sex of the person in the photo. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.


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