"Synthesis of Highly Conjugated Porphyrinoid Systems" by Melissa Mathius

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Chemistry

Committee Chair

Timothy D Lash


Porphyrins are a group of naturally occurring heterocyclic macrocycles comprising of four pyrrole subunits connected by four methine bridges. Metalloporphyrins, such as heme and chlorophyll, serve as cofactors in essential biological processes, making them one of nature’s most versatile ligands. However, porphyrinoid structures are not only of biological relevance, but they show intriguing spectroscopic properties which are commonly attributed to their [18]annulene-like delocalization pathway. Porphyrinoid systems are widely studied via modifications such as the introduction of additional conjugated units, particularly fused aromatic rings. The synthesis and subsequent modification of chrysoporphyrin and anthro[2,3-b]carbaporphyrin demonstrates that fusion of aromatic rings onto the porphyrinoid system has a measurable impact on the electronic structure and it induces bathochromic shifts of key signals in the UV-vis spectra as well as altering the strength of the diamagnetic ring current.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


