"Employer Perceptions of Essential Skills Required of Postsecondary Agr" by Emily McClure

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Agriculture

Committee Chair

Robert Rhykerd


This study examined agriculture employers' perceptions of what essential skills their recent hires possess and which skills they feel their recent hires need some additional guidance in before their companies hire them. The study also asked participants what activities postsecondary agriculture students should be involved in to help develop these essential skills. The study's participants were human resource representatives from companies that participated in the Illinois State University Department of Agriculture career fair. The sample consisted of 26 subjects.The data analysis revealed significant results. Those who participated in the study came from across the United States. An overwhelming number of responses felt that recent hires in their career fields were not prepared in understanding their role within the company. Recent hires were least prepared to communicate concisely and accurately, followed with the recent hires ability to listen effectively and identify and analyze problems. Respondents felt that recent graduates should be involved in internships, hold leadership positions in career organizations, and they looked highly at their activity level in both 4-H and FFA organizations. The findings well aid those involved in agriculture education better prepare their students for career success.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


