Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair



Students need academic tools and digital skills for proper social interactions in a digital society. Researchers Ribble and Park (2019) designed the S3 Framework which stresses the importance of developing safe, savvy, and social digital citizens. Using this framework, a series of interventions were developed for students and staff to increase the demonstration of appropriate digital literacy skills and digital citizenship. This mixed-methods study provided the opportunity for 6th-grade students to receive an additional intervention for internet safety, along with students and teachers sharing their knowledge and understanding of being safe, savvy, and social digital citizens. The goals of the research included determining the ways in which the internet safety training supported students’ perceptions of behavior and digital skills with technology; understanding how students have grown as safe, savvy, and social people; and identifying the ways in which the digital citizenship training for the staff supported their understanding of digital citizenship in the classroom. Findings indicated through teacher and student interviews, along with pre-assessment and post-assessment scores of the intervention that students know the right or safe answer when asked how to be safe online and teachers understand that digital citizenship and internet safety is an important component of technology in education. The results showed that students are not using, applying or transferring the knowledge of how to be safe or kind in the moment when a situation is presented.KEYWORDS: digital citizenship; internet safety; online safety; COVID, remote learning, digital skills, technology

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access

