Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Allison Antink Meyer


The current study was conducted to examine undergraduate psychology students’ feedback processes associated with developing a research proposal paper. Previous research has investigated how feedback can be effective for student learning, but it has been limited by not considering the effectiveness of multiple, smaller assessments and the frequent feedback provided on them, from both instructors and peers, as students complete a single, larger assignment. It also has been limited by not considering the application of one model of feedback at the postsecondary education level. The case study research design was selected both to describe my students’ feedback processes when completing a semester-long assignment and to compare these feedback processes when the feedback was provided by either me or other students. Course-based data, including students’ assessments, the feedback provided on them, and their responses to questionnaire items, from two class sections were analyzed using pattern matching within the two cases and cross-case syntheses between the two cases. The findings indicated students’ feedback processes were: (a) informing them of the type and level of performance to be attained, (b) helping them to progress and attain the type and level of performance, (c) providing them with information associated with performance, (d) conveying their progress and how they should proceed, (e) impacting student learning, and (f) leading to greater possibilities for student learning. In general, students indicated these processes were more helpful when I provided feedback rather than when other students provided feedback, although most feedback provided by both me and other students was directed at the same levels.


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