"The Role of the Institution on the Adoption of Law Enforcement Technol" by Cassandra Dodge

Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Criminal Justice Sciences

Committee Chair

Cara Rabe-Hemp


While law enforcement agencies perceive that technology increases their ability to complete their mission in the most efficient manner possible, this may not be the case in reality. Considering the potential expenses, potential danger, and lack of proven efficiency, it is surprising that these technologies are continuing to be adopted. Observing law enforcement agencies through the lens of institutional theory provides an explanation for the discrepancy between what would be expected and what has actually occurred. The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the use of five technologies (records management systems, broadband networking with vehicle computers, long range acoustic devices, patrol vehicle cameras, and body-worn cameras) by county and municipal law enforcement agencies. The data was derived from a survey that was completed by 106 county and municipal law enforcement agencies located in five states within the United States. Statistical analysis was completed to measure the influences of organizational complexity, jurisdictional complexity, funding, and organizational myths on the decision to adopt these technologies. While no significant relationship was indicated between institutional factors and technology adoption overall, analysis of the individual technologies did indicate relationships in some cases. The organizational myths of officer safety, efficiency, and community safety were consistently cited as influences for the adoption of technology.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access


