"Intervention Strategies Utilized by Didactic Programs in Dietetics To " by Jennifer Uhlman

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Julie M. Schumacher


Background: The Dietetic Internship (DI) match grows more competitive with each passing year as the growth of DPD graduates continues to surpass the growth of DI opportunities. The use of various interventions to assist DI applicants may resultantly influence student success in the DI match.

Objective: The purpose of this survey study was to evaluate the intervention strategies that ACEND accredited DPDs implemented to assist students with the spring 2015 DI match period and evaluate if there was any effect on the DPD's DI match rate based on the utilization of these strategies.

Design: A link to an anonymous, web-based survey was utilized to gather feedback from DPD directors regarding spring 2015 DI match data and currently implemented interventions to assist students with the match.

Participants: All DPD directors from ACEND accredited DPDs were invited to participate, excluding those who were involved in pilot study testing. A total of 108 (49.8%) directors responded to the survey.

Results: Statistical analysis revealed a significant, yet weak negative correlation (r = -.24, p < .05) between the number of interventions that a DPD implemented and its DI match rate. The most commonly reported strategies were a required course curriculum and personal advising, and these strategies were also perceived as most effective at improving student success. The majority of evaluated interventions were associated with lower DI match rates overall, with only use of a third-party website resulting in higher match rates. Bonferroni post-hoc analyses revealed that DPDs affiliated with DIs at the same institution had significantly higher match rates (F = 3.018, p < .05).

Conclusions: DPDs implementing less interventions were associated with higher DI match rates, which may motivate DPDs to focus on fewer high-quality interventions instead of many. Interventions intended specifically for students completing the DI application process appear to offer limited positive effects for students applying to DI programs whereas a DPD's organizational structure and curriculum may sustain greater long-term influence on match rates.

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