"Kinetic and Mechanistic Effects of Substituents on the Aldehyde Portio" by Kurt Scott Tyminski

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Chemistry

Committee Chair

Richard W. Nagorski


Prior research within the group on N-(hydroxybenzyl)acetamides showed an unexpected break in the Hammet plot for one of the constants of the hydroxide dependent breakdown. In order to determine the origin and structural breadth that resulted in the break in the Hammet plot, a new set a compounds have been synthesized. The N-(α-Hydroxybenzyl)benzamide derivatives were synthesized via a three part synthesis. These novel compounds were purified and fully characterized.

Upon synthesis kinetic studies of the carbinolamides performed in water as a function of pH. Analysis of the data and construction of Hammet plots showed similar results to previous studies including the anomaly observed in the hydroxide dependant breakdown.

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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