"Student Preparedness upon Entering the College Communication Classroom" by Tina Marie McGuire

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Graduation Term


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Cheri J. Simonds

Committee Member

John F. Hooker


Many high schools are removing their required speech classes from their curricula or replacing the speech class with other requirements. As a result, high school graduates are coming to college with varying levels of basic communication skills. This shift became evident with the implementation of No Child Left Behind as communication licensure was subsumed under English Language Arts. However, as many states began to adopt the Common Core State Standards, schools were tasked with teaching speaking and listening as a strand of the English Language Arts curriculum. Even though the standards support communication (speaking and listening), many schools have cut communication classes in favor of supplementing communication skills in an English class or across the curriculum. These changes have affected how students view their self-efficacy and preparedness towards their college communication classes, which has implications for their future academic success.

KEYWORDS: communication, preparedness, Common Core State Standards, No Child Left Behind, curriculum, instruction, social cognitive theory, Every Student Succeeds Act

Access Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only



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