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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Agriculture

Committee Chair

Richard Steffen


Twenty-nine states plus Washington D.C. have a recreational or medical cannabis program in place (Weeks, 2017). The states that do not have a cannabis policy medical or recreational could benefit from analyzing citizens letters to the editor. Forty-nine letters to the editor from Illinois about the Compassionate use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act were analyzed using content analysis, collecting and analyzing the phrasing used in each letter. The letters to the editor from Illinois RESIDENTS confirmed the positive feelings and movement toward a permanent Medical cannabis program. This study found that Illinois RESIDENTS are supportive to a cannabis pilot program and also identified key issues with the program such as access to children, perceived levels of pain, and enforcement concerns.

KEYWORDS: Illinois compassionate use of medical cannabis pilot program act, Medical cannabis, Letters to the editor


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