Faculty Publications-- Geography, Geology, and the Environment | Geography, Geology, and the Environment | Illinois State University


Faculty Publications from 2024


Supporting Dataset for the Influence of Tile-Water on Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations within a Saturated Riparian Buffer Zone, Aminat Tosin Abdulsalam and Eric Wade Peterson


Mapping and Spatial Analysis to Expand Rural Broadband Access, John C. Kostelnick, Jonathan B. Thayn, and Koushik Sinha


Considerations for Enhancing Participation and Data Accuracy in Geospatial Research in Rural Areas: Experiences with PGIS in Northern Malawi, Daniel Kpienbaareh, Isaac Luginaah, and Rachel Bezner Kerr


Unmixing Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages Reveals Tectonic and Climatic Depositional Influences on the Carboniferous Ansilta Formation, Calingasta-Uspallata Basin, Western Argentina, Joshua R. Malone, John Malone, John L. Isbell, David H. Malone, and John P. Craddock


Transport and Fate of Nitrate in a Saturated Buffer Zone as Assessed With a Chloride Tracer Test, Alhassan Sahad and Eric W. Peterson


High frequency turbidity and discharge measurements in two freshwater agricultural streams in Illinois, Galina Shinkareva, Catherine M. O'Reilly, and William L. Perry


Petrologic Relationship between Lamprophyres, Carbonatites, and Heavy Rare-Earth Element Enriched Breccias at Hicks Dome, Jarek Trela, Jared T. Freiburg, Esteban Gazel, Laurence Nuelle, Anton H. Maria, David H. Malone, and John M. Molinarolo

Faculty Publications from 2023


Structural Relationships Across the Sevier Gravity Slide of Southwest Utah and Implications for Catastrophic Translation and Emplacement Processes of Long Runout Landslides, Michael J. Braunagel, William Ashley Griffith, Robert F. Biek, David B. Hacker, Peter D. Rowley, David H. Malone, Danika Mayback, Tiffany A. Rivera, Zachary Loffer, and Zachary D. Smith


Linking the Pinware, Baraboo, and Picuris Orogens: Recognition of a Trans-Laurentian ca. 1520–1340 Ma Orogenic Belt, Christopher G. Daniel, Aphrodite Indares, L. Gordon Medaris Jr., Ruth Aronoff, David H. Malone, and Joshua Schwartz


Negotiating Infrastructural Citizenship Beyond the State: Philanthropy, Non-Profit Organizations, and the Flint Water Crisis, Melissa Heil


New Green Revolution in Ghana: Perceived Benefits, Challenges, and Implications for the Environment, Daniel Kpienbaareh and Abubakari Ahmed


A Geospatial Approach to Assessing the Impact of Agroecological Knowledge and Practice on Crop Health in a Smallholder Agricultural Context, Daniel Kpienbaareh, Jinfei Wang, Isaac Luginaah, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Esther Lupafya, and Laifolo Dakishoni


Teaching information literacy in an undergraduate class on the geography of the Middle East, Reecia Orzeck


Cratonic Basins as Effective Sediment Barriers in Continent‑Scale Sediment Routing Systems of Paleozoic North America, Andrea L. Stevens Goddard, Olivia G. Thurston, David H. Malone, Patrick L. McLaughlin, and Jack Stewart

Faculty Publications from 2022


Stream Recovery Post Channelization: A Case Study of Low-Gradient Streams in Central Illinois, USA, Joseph P. Becker and Eric W. Peterson


The Geology of The Mt. Simon Sandstone Storage Complex at the Wabash #1 Well, Vigo Co., Indiana (Subtask 7.2, Technical Report), Jared T. Freiburg, Franck Delpomdor, John H. McBride, Hannes E. Leetaru, David H. Malone, Nate Grigsby, Mansour Khosravi, Scott Frailey, James R. Damico, Charles Monson, Zohreh Askari, Yaghoob Lasemi, Donna Willette, Oladipupo Babarinde, Chris Korose, Mingyue Yu, and Lauren Gardiner


Geochronology of Cambrian Sedimentary and Volcanic Rocks in the Illinois Basin: Defining the Illinois Aulacogen, Jared T. Freiburg, David H. Malone, and Matthew Huisman


Barriers to Accessing Emergency Water Infrastructure: Lessons from Flint, Michigan, Melissa Heil


Review – Nor Any Drop to Drink: Flint’s Water Crisis, Melissa Heil


The Politics of Owing: Accounting, Water Disconnection, and Austerity Urbanism in Detroit, Melissa Heil


Water Disconnection and Billing Policy in Central Illinois, Melissa Heil, Rebekah Bollin, and Luke Gallagher


Devonian Upper Ocean Redox Trends Across Laurussia: Testing Potential Influences of Marine Carbonate Lithology on Bulk Rock I/Ca Signals, Ruliang He, Maya Elrick, James Day, Wanyi Lu, and Zunli Lu


Estimating Groundnut Yield in Smallholder Agriculture Systems Using PlanetScope Data, Daniel Kpienbaareh, Kamaldeen Mohammed, Isaac Luginaah, Jinfei Wang, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Esther Lupafya, and Laifolo Dakishoni


The Concept of Tectonic Provenance: Case Study of the Gigantic Markagunt Gravity Slide Basal Layer, Danika F. Mayback, Michael J. Braunagel, David H. Malone, W. Ashley Griffith, McKenna E. Holliday, Tiffany A. Rivera, Robert F. Biek, David B. Hacker, and Peter D. Rowley

Faculty Publications from 2021


Supporting data - Recycling of nitrate and organic matter by plants in the vadose zone of a saturated riparian buffer, Patience Bosompemaa, Eric Wade Peterson, William Perry, and Wondwosen M. Seyoum


Debtor Spaces: Austerity, Space, and Dispossession in Michigan’s Emergency Management System, Melissa Heil


Early Mesoproterozoic Evolution of Midcontinental Laurentia: Defining the Geon 14 Baraboo Orogeny, L. Gordon Medaris Jr, Brad S. Singer, Brian R. Jicha, David H. Malone, Joshua J. Schwartz, Esther K. Stewart, Amanda Van Lankvelt, Michael L. Williams, and Peter W. Reiners


Supporting data – Floating Gardens, Chicago River, April 29, 2018 to November 19, 2019, Eric Wade Peterson, Phil Nicodemus, and Emmett Andrew Spooner


The Effectiveness of an Artificial Floating Wetland to Remove Nutrients in an Urban Stream: A Pilot-Study in the Chicago River, Chicago, IL USA, Eric W. Peterson, Phil Nicodemus, Emmett Spooner, and Abigail Heath

Faculty Publications from 2020


Petrology, Geochronology, and Geophysical Characterization of Mesoproterozoic Rocks in Central Illinois, USA, Jared T. Freiburg, John H. McBride, David H. Malone, and Hannes E. Leetaru


Detrital Zircon Provenance and Lithofacies Associations of Montmorillonitic Sands in the Maastrichtian Ripley Formation: Implications for Mississippi Embayment Paleodrainage Patterns and Paleogeography, Jennifer N. Gifford, Elizabeth J. Vitale, Brian F. Platt, David H. Malone, and Inoka H. Widanagamage


Restructuring Legal Geography, Reecia Orzeck and Laam Hae


An Expanded Stratigraphic Record of the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary Hangenberg Biogeochemical Event from Southeast Iowa (U.S.A.), Brittany M. Stolfus, Bradley D. Cramer, Ryan J. Clark, Nicholas J. Hogancamp, James E. Day, Stephanie A. Tassier-Surine, and Brian J. Witzke


Detrital Zircons and Sediment Dispersal in the Eastern Midcontinent of North America, William A. Thomas, George E. Gehrels, Kurt E. Sundell, Stephen F. Greb, and David H. Malone


Geology and Aquifer Sensitivity of Quaternary Glacial Deposits Overlying a Portion of the Mahomet Buried Bedrock Valley Aquifer System, Andrew Watson, Eric W. Peterson, Dave Malone, and Lisa Tranel

Faculty Publications from 2019


Supporting dataset for chloride source delineation in an urban-agricultural watershed, deicing agents versus agricultural contributions, Eric Wade Peterson and Andrew Oberhelman

Faculty Publications from 2018


Community Development Corporations in the Right-Sizing City: Remaking the CDC Model of Urban Redevelopment, Melissa Heil


Maximum Depositional Age of the Neoproterozoic Jacobsville Sandstone, Michigan: Implications for the Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift: REPLY, David H. Malone, Carol A. Stein, John P. Craddock, Jonas Kley, Seth Stein, and John E. Malone


Hillslope coupled stream morphology, flow conditions, and their effects on detrital sedimentology in Garnet Canyon, Teton Range, Wyoming, Lisa M. Tranel

Faculty Publications from 2017


Calcite Twinning Strain Variations Across the Proterozoic Grenville Orogen and Keweenaw-Kapuskasing Inverted Foreland, USA and Canada, John P. Craddock, Suzanne D. Craddock, Alex Konstantinou, Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark, and David H. Malone


Lower–Middle Pennsylvanian Strata in the North American Midcontinent Record the Interplay Between Erosional Unroofing of the Appalachians and Eustatic Sea-Level Rise, J.K. Kissock, E. S. Finzel, D. H. Malone, and J. P. Craddock


Surficial Geology of the Saybrook 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Mclean County, Illinois, USA, Ellyn S. Rickels, Andrew J. Stumpf, David H. Malone, and William E. Shields


Jacobsville Sandstone: A Candidate for Nomination for “Global Heritage Stone Resource” from Michigan, USA, William I. Rose, Erika C. Vye, Carol A. Stein, David H. Malone, John P. Craddock, and Seth A. Stein

Faculty Publications from 2016


Stratigraphy and Extent of the Pearl-Ashmore Aquifer, Mchenry County, IL, USA, Drew C. Carlock, Jason F. Thomason, David H. Malone, and Eric W. Peterson


Three-Dimensional Geologic Modeling and Groundwater Flow Modeling Above a CO2 Sequestration Test Site, Erin Carlock, Eric W. Peterson, and David H. Malone


Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of Glacial Outwash in Mclean County, Illinois, Based on Seismic Refraction Studies, Matthew Hartz, David H. Malone, and Robert Nelson


Modeling the Sediment Fill of the Upper Troy Pre-Glacial Bedrock Valley, McHenry County, Illinois, USA, Jodi Lau, Jason F. Thomason, David H. Malone, and Eric W. Peterson


Three-Dimensional Geological Model of Quaternary Sediments in Walworth County, Wisconsin, USA, Jodi Lau, Jason F. Thomason, David H. Malone, and Eric W. Peterson


Maximum Depositional Age of the Neoproterozoic Jacobsville Sandstone, Michigan: Implications for the Evolution of the Midcontinent Rift, David H. Malone, Carol A. Stein, John P. Craddock, Jonas Kley, Seth Stein, and John E. Malone


Three-Dimensional Modeling of Pennsylvanian Sandstone Units in the Mature Dudley Oil Field, Illinois, USA, Jordan M. Martin and David H. Malone


Role of Multiple High-Capacity Irrigation Wells on a Surficial Sand and Gravel Aquifer, Logan C. Seipel, Eric W. Peterson, David H. Malone, and Jason F. Thomason

Faculty Publications from 2015


Stratigraphy and Porosity Modeling of South-Central Illinois (USA) Chester (Upper Mississippian) Series Sandstones Using Petrel, Darren Kimple, Eric W. Peterson, and David H. Malone


Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Pecatonica Gas Storage Field, Winnebago County, Illinois, Nicole D. Kron, David H. Malone, and Eric W. Peterson


Identification of Potential Vertical Gas Migration Pathways Above Gas Storage Reservoirs, Eric W. Peterson, Lauren I. Martin, and David H. Malone

Faculty Publications from 2014


Normative geographies and the 1940 Land Transfer Regulations in Palestine, Reecia Orzeck

Faculty Publications from 2013


Hunger Strike: The Body as Resource, Reecia Orzeck

Faculty Publications from 2012


Academic Freedom, Intellectual Diversity, and the Place of Politics in Geography, Reecia Orzeck

Faculty Publications from 2007


What Does Not Kill You: Historical Materialism and the Body, Reecia Orzeck