Supporting data - Recycling of nitrate and organic matter by plants in the vadose zone of a saturated riparian buffer

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Nitrate, Saturated riparian buffer, Vadose zone, Assimilation, Plant Uptake, tile-drainage


Data from the analysis of nitrate as nitrogen in the soil and soil pore water within the vadose zone of a saturated riparian buffer (SRB). Additional properties measured include: Organic matter (as %), bulk density, moisture content, and porosity. Soil samples were collected pre-growing season (n=57) and post-growing season from two plots (n=29): vegetated plots and barren plots. Statistical comparison of among the treatments, Pre-growing season, plot with plants, and barren plot, and among the different depths, 30 cm, 60 cm, and 90 cm identified significantly different soil NO3--N concentrations. Plots with plants experienced a reduction in nitrate from the soil and vadose waters. Plants withdrew nitrate from the vadose zone, generating organic matter. Nitrate concentrations in the soils underlying the barren plot were high because there was no uptake and the residual plants materials decomposed, returning nitrogen to the vadose. Soil pore water samples were collected using a lysimeter from the barren plots (n=64) and the vegetated plots (n=35).


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