Impact of Embedded Librarianship on Undergraduate Nursing Students Information Skills

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Journal of the Medical Library Association

Publication Date



Embedded Librarianship, Information Skills, Assessment


One-shot library sessions have numerous drawbacks; most notably they rarely have long-term impact on students' research behavior or skill sets. Library literature notes that when students interact with an embedded librarian, their skills improve. While close partnerships with subject faculty are important, librarians must also assess students’ skills sets to determine the level of impact of these teaching efforts. During the course, the embedded librarian used various activities and assignments to teach information-seeking skills with the expected outcome of increased skill sets. This IRB-approved research project focused on measuring and assessing students’ information seeking abilities before and after interacting with the embedded nursing librarian. Changes in students' information fluency skills were measured using as a pre- and post-test. The study results provide evidence of the benefits of the embedded librarianship model. Continued measurement of students’ skills acquisition is important to enable librarians and library administrators to show the positive impacts the library has on student learning and success. Accepted: October 13, 2020; Publication Date: April 2021


This article was originally published in Journal of the Medical Library Association 109, no. 2 (2021): 311-16.

Impact-Embedded-Librarianship-Undergraduate-Nursing-Students-Information-Skills-data.csv (94 kB)
raw data from information skills pre- and post-tests
