"Academic Libraries & Student Success: An Investigation of the Library’" by Mallory Jallas, Jennifer Sharkey et al.

Document Type


Publication Title

2021 American Library Association Annual Conference

Publication Date



Student Success, Academic Libraries, Library Outreach, Library Programming, Library Collaboration, Survey


Although discussion related to student success within higher education has been ongoing for years, there has been an increased focus recently within academic libraries. For instance, the College and Research Libraries April 2020 Special Issue includes several articles about measuring student success. Many articles within this issue and the broader library literature focus on the individual, local efforts, and few examine more broad trends across academic libraries.

In this poster, the researchers will present the findings of a research study examining student success initiatives within university and college libraries in North America. Specifically, the researchers will report on a survey that queried ways academic libraries define and implement student success initiatives and programming and library and institutional demographics of the respondents. The survey results shared will highlight specific programs that libraries collaborate with on their campuses to support student success, the use of library spaces, and the hiring of library positions to lead student success initiatives.

The results are relevant to librarians, administrators, and staff interested in greater engagement and participation in student success efforts throughout their campuses. The findings offer insight into establishing more robust connections between the library and specific programs and units and exploring new or additional avenues for libraries to demonstrate their impact on student learning and retention. Participants interested in comparing their current efforts to national trends or seeking new ideas to expand their work will find value in the poster presentation.



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