Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2-2022


Covid-19, Pandemic, Novice Teachers, Education, Elementary, Middle Level, Secondary


This survey-based study explores the ways Covid19 has added to the existing challenges faced by novice teachers by introducing brand new stressors and exacerbating previously identified challenges during the 2020-2021 school year. We have sought to identify what kinds of support were in place for new teachers during Covid-19 and how these were received by beginning educators. What did they find comforting and useful? In what work contexts did teachers feel supported? By whom? What were teachers’ preferences for intervention and support?

Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL from February 11-16, 2022

Funding Source

This research was made possible through funding provided by a 2021-2022 University Research Grant through Milner Library at Illinois State University.


This poster was presented at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, February 11-16, 2022.



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