"Dual Legacies of the Grateful Dead: Official and Unofficial" by Jeremy Berg

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This presentation explores the dual recorded legacies of the Grateful Dead: the official legacy of studio and live albums, controlled by the band and their record companies, and the unofficial legacy of concert recordings, controlled by the fans. The presentation includes a discussion of the Thanksgiving Day Massacre (when on November 22, 2005, all Grateful Dead shows were removed from the Live Music Archive) and the incident's effect on band/fan and official/unofficial recorded legacy cooperations and conflicts.


To view the PowerPoint slides for the presentation, click on the Download button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

To view the notes for the presentation, click on the link in the Additional Files section at the bottom of the screen.

This presentation was given on February 16, 2013, at the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations 34th Annual Conference.

SWPCAPresentationNotes.pdf (101 kB)
Presentation notes for "Dual Legacies of the Grateful Dead: Official and Unofficial"
