JITE Spring 2002
From the Editor
Funding the Re-birth of Technology Education
Theodore Lewis
Gerhard Salinger
Facilitating the Learning of Design Practices: Lessons Learned from an Inquiry into Science Education
Janet L. Kolodner
Designing and Implementing an Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology Curriculum for the Middle School
Richard E. Satchwell and Franzie L. Loepp
Introducing Technology as a School Subject: A Collaborative Design Challenge for Educators
Gary Benenson and Felice Piggott
Large-Scale Teacher Enhancement Projects Focusing on Technology Education
M. David Burghardt and Michael Hacker
Developing Maryland's Technology Education Leaders for the 21st Century: Technology Education Leadership Project (TELP)
Leon L. Copeland Sr. and Robert C. Gray
Children Designing & Engineering: Contextual Learning Units in Primary Design and Technology
Patricia Hutchinson
Under Review: Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics, and Technology: New Practices for the New Millennium
Jim Flowers and Mary Annette Rose