Teaching Talk: An Exploration of the Content and Implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Document Type
SoTL Discipline
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The implementation of the Common Core State Standards has brought about a renewed inspiration for exploring the role of communication in K-12 schools as they include a speaking and listening strand. Communication education in K-12 schools had been sparsely researched; however, a handful of scholars have made calls to increase the research and advocacy done in this arena. There is a need to understand the K-12 context as a means to inform practices at the college level. This study breaks down the speaking and listening strand of the standards to create a better understanding of the content addressed and applies them to two contexts: a required high school communication course and a college-level basic communication course. Results suggest that the volume of standards addressed is problematic, especially given a lack of teacher training in this area.
Recommended Citation
Wright, Anna; Rohman, Brian; Horn, Dakota; Meyer, Barbara; and Simonds, Cheri J., "Teaching Talk: An Exploration of the Content and Implementation of the Common Core State Standards" (2018). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. 113.
This article was published in Basic Communication Course Annual: Vol 30, Article 5. (2018).