Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications | The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Illinois State University


Submissions from 2020


Measuring Essential Learning Outcomes for Public Speaking, Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post, Karla M. Hunter, Joshua N. Westwick, Angela Hosek, and Kristina Ruiz-Mesa


The Gamification of Code: Programming Through Play in Blended Classrooms, Kristin Carlson and Rick Valentin


Structures and Considerations for SoTL Educational Development, Jennifer C. Friberg and Lauren Scharff


Multidimensional Variables Influencing Program Completion: A Three-Year Cohort Study of Associate Degree and Practical Nursing Students, Patricia L. Pence and Matthew P. Suerth


Teaching Public Relations: Principles and Practices for Effective Learning, Peter M. Smudde

Incorporating Political Engagement in General Education: An Examination of the Effects of Participation in a Political Research Action Project on Students’ Perceived Relevance, Efficacy, Political Understanding, and Political Engagement Skills., Chad Woolard and Stephen K. Hunt

Submissions from 2019


Poverty Simulation Participation: Transformative Learning Outcomes among Family and Consumer Sciences Students, Sally E. Arnett-Hartwick and Tamra S. Davis


Using NGOMSL for Formative Feedback Generation in a Virtual Learning Environment, Yi-hsiang Isaac Chang and Kevin L. Devine


Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Beyond the Individual Classroom, Jennifer Friberg and Kathleen McKinney


I have a student who...”: Systematically Addressing Student Misbehaviors in the Basic Course, John Hooker


Engaging Persuasion: What Should Undergraduate Students Enrolled in a Persuasion Course Learn?, Stephen K. Hunt and Kevin R. Meyer


The Use of Extracurricular Interdisciplinary Project-Based Teams in Higher Education as a Catalyst for Actionable Knowledge, Peter Kaufman, Nathan Hartman, Jim Jones, Rishi Saripalle, Will Hunter, and Roy Magnuson


Introduction to Applying SoTL Beyond the Individual Classroom: Overview, Framework, and Two Examples, Kathleen McKinney, Jennifer Friberg, and M. Moore

I Can Navigate The World, Erin Mikulec, Kathryn Jasper, and Lea Cline

Submissions from 2018

Supervising Student Teachers in the World of Performance-Based Assessments: Professional Development Needs of Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisors, Tamra S. Davis and Kathy J. Mountjoy


Assessing Evaluation Fidelity Between Students and Instructors in the Basic Communication Course: The Impact of Criterion-Based Speech Evaluation Training, T. Kody Frey, Cheri J. Simonds, John Hooker, Kevin Meyer, and Stephen Hunt


The Integration of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in to the Discipline of Sociology, Kathleen McKinney


Creating a Culture of Accommodation in the Public-Speaking Course, Cheri J. Simonds and John F. Hooker


Teaching Talk: An Exploration of the Content and Implementation of the Common Core State Standards, Anna Wright, Brian Rohman, Dakota Horn, Barbara Meyer, and Cheri J. Simonds

Submissions from 2017


Tracking Privilege-Preserving Epistemic Pushback in Feminist and Critical Race Philosophy Classes, Alison Bailey


On the Culture of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Sarah M. Ginsberg, Jennifer C. Friberg, Colleen F. Visconti, Mark DeRuiter, and Jerry K. Hoepner


Mixed-Approach Social Comparison for Improving Online Discussions’ Efficacy: Insights from Filed Experiments, Elahe Javadi, Judith Gebauer, and Nancy L. Novotny


Filter Bubble, Selective Exposure, and Integrative Complexity, Elahe Javadi, Nancy L. Novotny, Elnaz Mirrahimi, and Navid Rajabi


A Sampling of What Psychologists Engaged in SoTL Might Learn from Sociology, Kathleen McKinney, Maxine Atkinson, and Tyler Flockhart


The Lost Art of Lecturing: Cultivating Student Listening and Notetaking, Kevin R. Meyer and Stephen K. Hunt


Assessing Information Literacy Instruction in the Basic Communication Course, Kevin R. Meyer, Stephen K. Hunt, K. Megan Hopper, Kashmira V. Thakkar, Vicky Tsoubakopoulos, and Kaylee J. Van Hoose


Communicative Learning Outcomes and World Language edTPA: Characteristics of High-Scoring Portfolios, Peter Swanson and Susan A. Hildebrandt


Bridging the Gap: An Approach to Facilitating Integrated Application of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology in Graduate Level Speech-Language Pathology Across the Semester, Lisa A. Vinney and Jennine M. Harvey

Submissions from 2016

Course Redesign: Evaluation of Learning Objectives, Hybrid Delivery and New Experiential Project, H. G. Black


Creating an Instructional Framework to Prepare Teacher Education Candidates for Success on a Performance-Based Assessment, Tamra S. Davis, Kathy J. Mountjoy, and Elisa L. Palmer


Encouraging Cross-Curricular Integration in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Jennifer C. Friberg and Heidi Harbers


Diagnostic Reasoning by Experienced Speech-Language Pathologists and Student Clinicians, Sarah M. Ginsberg, Jennifer C. Friberg, and Colleen F. Visconti


Understanding the World Language edTPA: Research-Based Policy and Practice, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Pete Swanson


Implementing the Political Engagement Project in an Introductory Communication Course: An Examination of the Effects on Students’ Political Knowledge, Efficacy, Skills, Behavior, and Ideology, Stephen K. Hunt, Kevin R. Meyer, John F. Hooker, Cheri J. Simonds, and Lance R. Lippert


Service Learning and Innovative Pedagogies, Stephen K. Hunt and Chad E. Woolard


Faculty Teaching Performance: Perceptions of a Multi-Source Method for Evaluation, A. R. Lyde, D. C. Grieshaber, and G. Byrns


‘We Matter Just the Same’: Students and Pre-Service Teachers Working Together in an Alternative Educational Setting, Erin Mikulec and Adam Herrmann


Formative Evaluations in Online Classes, Jennifer L. Peterson

The Internal Marginalization of Basic Course Scholarship, Cheri J. Simonds and Stephen K. Hunt

Submissions from 2015


University Classroom Design Principles to Facilitate Learning: The Instructor as Advocate, John Wm. Folkins, Jennifer C. Friberg, and Paul A. Cesarini


Cross-Curricular Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Leaving the Silos Behind, Jennifer Friberg and Heidi Harbers


Millennial Students and Classroom Communication, Sarah M. Ginsberg, Colleen F. Visconti, and Jennifer C. Friberg


Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Science and Technology Among Majors, A. A. Gokhale, C. Rabe-Hemp, L. Woeste, and K. Machina

Learning in Out-of-Class Experiences: The Importance of Professional Skills, Alycia M. Hund and Daisy Bueno


Stylized Moments: Student Engagement & Participation in an Asynchronous Online University Film Course, W. T. McBride

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same, Kathleen McKinney


“I Didn’t Realize HOW Important It Is”: Pre-Service Secondary Teachers Reflecting on an Intensive Clinical Experience, Erin Mikulec


Innovations in Social Work Training: A Pilot Study of Interprofessional Collaboration Using Standardized Clients, Mark D. Olson, Melinda Lewis, Paula Rappe, and Sandra Hartley

Designing A Course About Internal Communication, Peter M. Smudde


Augmenting College Students’ Study of Speech-Language Pathology using Computer-Based Mini Quiz Games, Lisa A. Vinney, Les Howles, Glen Leverson, and Nadine P. Connor

Submissions from 2014

The Effectiveness of an Online Fitness Course, K. K. Dennis

“What Would I Have Done?”: Teaching ‘The Drowned and the Saved’ to Confront Moral Ambiguity, J. Druker

Gender Differences In Attitudes Toward IT Among IT Majors, Anu Gokhale and Kenton Machina


Mutually Beneficial Service Learning: Language Teacher Candidates in a Local Community Center, Susan A. Hildebrandt


World Language Teacher Candidate Performance on edTPA: An Exploratory Study, Susan A. Hildebrandt and Pete Swanson


Securing the Future of Communication Education: Advancing an Advocacy and Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Stephen Hunt, Anna Wright, and Cheri Simonds


Using Professional Competencies to Assess Learning in Student Affairs Graduate Programs, P. McCluskey-Titus, R. Stott, C. Poffenbarger, and K. Ballard


Perceived Learning Outcomes from Participation in One Type of Registered Student Organization: Equestrian Sport Club, Erin Mikulec and Kathleen McKinney


Pre-Service Teachers Confronting Issues of Diversity Through a Radical Field Experience, Paul Chamness Miller and Erin A. Mikulec


Critical-Thinking Dispositions Among Dietetic Interns at the Completion of their Internship, June Rader Schumacher

Submissions from 2013


Using Clinical and Research Activities to Enhance the Undergraduate Experience, Jennifer C. Friberg, John Wm. Folkins, and Colleen F. Visconti


Scale To Measure Attitudes Toward Information Technology, A. A. Gokhale, P. E. Brauchle, and K. F. Machina

The Ethnography of the University Initiative: A Decade of Student Research on the University, Gina Hunter and Nancy Abelmann


Assessing Evaluation Fidelity: An Examination of Student Comments and Scores on Speech Self-Evaluation Forms in a General Education Communication Course, Joseph P. Mazer, Cheri J. Simonds, and Stephen K. Hunt

Submissions from 2012

Virtual Team Meetings: Reflections on a Class Exercise Exploring Technology Choice, Rebecca A. Bull Schaefer and Laura Erskine


Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability: A Student Perspective, Laura Erskine and Scott D. Johnson


Using iPad Technologies to Support Teaching and Learning in CSD, Jennifer C. Friberg


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Evidence-Based Education, Sarah M. Ginsberg, Jennifer C. Friberg, and Colleen F. Visconti

Students Study up the University: Perspectives Gained in Student Research on the University as Institution, Gina Hunter


Technology, Consciousness, and the Transitional Symbolic Self: Implications for Social Work Education, Daniel Liechty


Application Essays as an Effective Tool for Assessing Instruction in the Basic Communication Course: A Follow-Up Study, Joseph P. Mazer, Cheri J. Simonds, and Stephen K. Hunt


Improving Graduate Students’ Experiences: An Assessment of the College Student Personnel Administration Master’s Degree Program, Phyllis McCluskey-Titus, Adam Dralle, Janelle Love, Jeff Nilsen, Whitney Pier, Alissa Kapella, Kaitlin Kirk, and Bryan Bristol


The Impact of Studying Abroad on Male Preservice Teachers: A Phenomenological Investigation, Julie M. McGaha and Sandra M. Linder


Increasing the Impact of SoTL: Two Sometimes Neglected Opportunities, Kathleen McKinney


Making a Difference: Application of SoTL to Enhance Learning, Kathleen McKinney

Professional Faces: Pre-Service Secondary Teachers’ Attitudes Towards the Use of Social Networking Sites, Erin A. Mikulec


Perceptions of Science and Technology: A Comparison of Criminal Justice and Traditional Science and Technology Majors, Cara E. Rabe-Hemp, Anu Gokhale, and Lori Woeste


Going Beyond the Native-Nonnative English Speaker Divide in College Courses: The Role of Nonnative English-Speaking Educators in Promoting Critical Multiculturalism, L. Seloni


Comparing Online and Face-to-Face Presentation of Course Content in an Introductory Special Education Course, James R. Thompson, Patricia H. Klass, and Barbara M. Fulk


Poverty Simulation: An Experiential Learning Tool Emphasizing Economic Justice Content, Diane L. Zosky and James Thompson

Submissions from 2011

Program Assessment: A Positive Way to Improve Program Quality in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, R. L. Bailey, J. Burns, M. Kuhn, and T. Tyra


Course Management Systems and Blended Learning: An Innovative Learning Approach, Amy Y. Chou and David C. Chou


Addressing sustainable apparel design challenges with Problem-Based Learning, Hae Jin Gam and Jennifer Banning


A Qualitative Assessment of the Learning Outcomes of Teaching Introductory American Politics in Comparative Perspective, Shamira M. Gelbman


Students Research the Library: Using Student-Led Ethnographic Research to Examine the Changing Role of Campus Libraries, G. Hunter and D. Ward


Using Online Discussion Boards for Senior Internships, A. R. Hurd, B. A. Beggs, and D. J. Elkins


Teaching Journalism Students about Confidential Whistleblower Sources: An Analysis of Introductory News Writing Textbooks, J. Huxford and M. A. Moore


The Sociology Research Experience Capstone Course at Three Institutions, Kathleen McKinney and Melissa Busher


A Longitudinal, Descriptive Study of Sociology Majors: The Development of Engagement, the Sociological Imagination, Identity, and Autonomy, Kathleen McKinney and Naghme Naseri


Focus on Ethics and Public Relations Practice in a University Classroom, Peter M. Smudde

Submissions from 2010

RAW: (Reading And Writing) New Media, C. E. Ball and J. R. Kalmbach


The Effects of Guided Notes on Student Learning: Students Share Their Perceptions, Jennifer C. Friberg and Jean Sawyer


Interventions for Increasing Male and Female Undergraduate Interest in Information Technology, Illinois State University


Maintaining Positive Attitudes Toward Science and Technology in First‐Year Female Undergraduates: Peril and Promise, K. Machina and A. Gokhale

A Case of Collaboration: Faculty Experiences Within a Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, Multi-Campus Learning Community in an Urban Community College District, M. A. Moore and I. M. Bruckner


A Signature Pedagogy for Leadership Education: Preparing Principals through Participatory Action Research, Neil Sappington, Paul J. Baker, Dianne Gardner, and Joe Pacha

Humanistic Critique of Education: Teaching and Learning as Symbolic Action, Peter M. Smudde

The Education of Citizen Critics: The Consubstantiality of Burke’s Philosophy and Constructivist Pedagogy, Peter M. Smudde


Reflections of Pre-Service Teachers on Their Own Teaching Practices, David W. Snyder


Assessing Autonomous Learning in Research Methods Courses: Implementing the Student-Driven Research Project, Donna M. Vandiver and Jeffrey A. Walsh