University Classroom Design Principles to Facilitate Learning: The Instructor as Advocate
Document Type
SoTL Category
Course/Classroom Design and Considerations
Publication Date
Instructors have a responsibility to maximize student learning. Thus, to the extent that the characteristics of a classroom’s space facilitate or promote learning, instructors should be actively involved in the design and use of the space. This is especially the case as active learning activities are becoming more common. Principles are discussed in relation to functional seating arrangements; focal points and sight lines; acoustics; movement around, into, and out of the classroom; lighting; and windows. A list of principles for good classroom design from the instructor’s point of view is given at the end, and readers are invited to modify this list in a wiki.
Recommended Citation
Folkins, John Wm.; Friberg, Jennifer C.; and Cesarini, Paul A., "University Classroom Design Principles to Facilitate Learning: The Instructor as Advocate" (2015). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. 86.
This article was published in Planning for Higher Education Journal. Vol. 43 Number 2. (2015).