Innovations in Social Work Training: A Pilot Study of Interprofessional Collaboration Using Standardized Clients
Document Type
SoTL Category
Cross-course Collaboration; External/Clinical Experience
SoTL Discipline
Publication Date
A pilot study depicting a collaborative learning experience involving students in the helping professions (i.e., social work and paramedic) is presented, whereby students put discipline-specific practice behaviors into action in a training exercise using standardized clients (SCs). Real world scenarios commonly encountered in emergency response situations were replicated, providing students with opportunities to utilize assessment, intervention and referral skills in a carefully controlled, technologically enhanced learning environment. Simulations were observed and reviewed by faculty and classmates in debriefing sessions following student-SC interactions. Emergent themes, lessons learned and recommendations for further study are presented.
Recommended Citation
Olson, Mark D.; Lewis, Melinda; Rappe, Paula; and Hartley, Sandra, "Innovations in Social Work Training: A Pilot Study of Interprofessional Collaboration Using Standardized Clients" (2015). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. 78.
This article was published in International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vol. 27, Number 1. (2015).