Teaching Public Relations: Principles and Practices for Effective Learning
Document Type
SoTL Discipline
Publication Date
Excellence in public relations begins with excellence in education in public relations programs, and this book presents a comprehensive, cohesive, and concrete approach for effective teaching and learning in PR classes.
Teaching Public Relations puts in one concise volume salient matters about effective teaching and learning of public relations, including curriculum development and course design plus guides and tools for the work PR educators must do. This book is the first textbook of its kind, and systematically synthesizes current principles and practices for effective teaching and learning and applies them to public relations education in colleges and universities. Firmly situating public relations education (PRE) in context, the book goes on to outline principles and approaches for teaching and learning in PRE. Other features of the text include example documents that will help in designing assignments, courses, or curricula, and a comprehensive list of publications, organizations, online media, and other sources for further investigation and learning.
This book is a solid starting point for anyone, especially public relations professionals, wanting to begin a career as a full-time or part-time professor of public relations at a college or university. It is also recommended reading for current teachers and students of PR research.
Recommended Citation
Smudde, Peter M., "Teaching Public Relations: Principles and Practices for Effective Learning" (2020). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. 125.
This chapter was published in Teaching Public Relations: Principles and Practices for Effective Learning, Routledge, 2019.