Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications | The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Illinois State University


Submissions from 2010

Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Immediacy and Academic Dishonesty on the Campus of Illinois State University, Jeff Walsh, Jessie Krienert, and Kevin Matthews

Submissions from 2009


“Star Wars”, Model Making, and Cultural Critique: A Case for Film Study in Art Classrooms, Judith Briggs


Undergraduate Research Engages Life-Long Learners, E. D. Carlson


A Measure to Assess Student-Instructor Relationships, Gary Creasey, Pat Jarvis, and Elyse Knapcik


Collaboration between Marketing Students and the Library: An Experiential Learning Project to Promote Reference Services, Lynda M. Duke, Jean B. MacDonald, and Carrie S. Trimble


Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Attitudes Toward Science and Technology, Anu Gokhale, Paul Brauchle, and Kenton Machina

Student Perspectives on Multitasking, Keith Jones and Thomas Schambach

The Power of Nurse Educators: Welcoming and Unwelcoming Behaviors, S. P. Kossman


The Effects of Teacher Self-Disclosure via Facebook on Teacher Credibility, J. P. Mazer, R. E. Murphy, and Cheri J. Simonds


Lessons from My Students and Other Reflections on SoTL, Kathleen McKinney


Beyond Lines on the CV: Faculty Applications of Their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research, Kathleen McKinney and Pat Jarvis

Urban Teacher Preparation for Elementary, Middle and Secondary Schools, M. A. Moore and B. K. Simonds

Urban Teachers Changing Lives, M. A. Moore and B. K. Simonds

Toward a Virtual Public Relations World: An Introduction to PR Practice., Peter M. Smudde

Student Voices through Researching and Promoting Learner Autonomy, M. D. Sublett, J. A. Walsh, Kathleen McKinney, and D. Faigao

Submissions from 2008


Humans Using Machines, Humans as Machines: Implications for Teaching and Learning, David Leech Anderson

Helping Him See: Guiding a Visually Impaired Student Through the Computer Science Curriculum, M. E. Califf, M. M. Goodwin, and J. Brownell


Interrogating the University, One Archival Entry at a Time, Gina Hunter, Nancy Abelmann, Timothy Reese Cain, Tim McDonough, and Catherine Prendergast


Enhancing Leadership Education: Insights from a Seminar Evaluation, Linda L. Lyman and Dianne C. Gardner


The Effects of Instructor Use of Positive and Negative Slang on Student Motivation, Affective Learning, and Classroom Climate, Joseph P. Mazer and Stephen K. Hunt


Correlates of Success in the Sociology Major, Kathleen McKinney


The Process of Implementing a Paperless Classroom in Teacher Education using an Electronic Portfolio System, Barbara Meyer


Communication and Diversity: Innovations in Teacher Education, Brent K. Simonds, Lance R. Lippert, Stephen K. Hunt, Maureen E. Angell, and Marilyn K. Moore

The Value of a Cooperative Service Project as Reciprocal Teaching/Learning for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, P. Titus-McCluskey

A Call for Increased Emphasis on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning among Graphic Design Educators, J. H. Walker


Wake Up! Your PDQ is Due!, Lori Woeste and Beverly Barham