World Language Teacher Candidate Performance on edTPA: An Exploratory Study
Document Type
SoTL Discipline
Publication Date
Federal and state legislation continues to promote teacher accountability in the United States. The new edTPA, a subject‐specific teacher performance assessment, is purported to measure beginning teacher readiness and is being pilot tested and implemented for licensure and certification decisions across the country. In this exploratory quantitative study, the researchers examined edTPA scores of 21 world language teacher candidates from two teacher preparation programs and compared those results to the cut scores for the states of Washington and New York. Results indicated that participants performed best in the planning section and were most challenged by the assessment section. This research has implications for teacher certification candidates, world language teacher preparation programs, policy makers, and other stakeholders.
Recommended Citation
Hildebrandt, Susan A. and Swanson, Pete, "World Language Teacher Candidate Performance on edTPA: An Exploratory Study" (2014). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. 72.
This article was published in Foreign Language Annals. Vol. 47, Issue 4. (2014). DOI: