"Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability: A Student Perspectiv" by Laura Erskine and Scott D. Johnson

Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability: A Student Perspective

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Student Reflections/Perspectives

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The authors offer an exploratory glimpse into the perceived effectiveness of learning approaches presently being used to teach students about sustainability in a business school setting. Sustainability is a topic of growing importance in business and business education. Using teaching approaches generated through self-reports related to the Principles for Responsible Management Education, a student population was used to determine which of these learning approaches are perceived as most effective. Students perceived sustainability to be important for businesses, and agreed that they would prefer to work for a company that embraces sustainability as a core value.


This article was published in Journal of Education for Business. Vol. 87, Issue 4. (2012). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2011.590162
