Creating an Instructional Framework to Prepare Teacher Education Candidates for Success on a Performance-Based Assessment

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Student Considerations; Instructor/Faculty Considerations

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Problem: Beginning in fall 2013, business teacher education (BTE) candidates at Illinois State University (ISU) were required to complete the Education Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), which is a national performance-based, subject-specific assessment used by more than 600 teacher preparation programs in some 40 states to emphasize, measure, and support the skills and knowledge that all classroom teachers need from Day 1 (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, 2015). Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether increased teacher candidate preparation and support and greater instructor knowledge of the edTPA would result in higher candidate scores on the edTPA. Method: After the first full year of pilot-testing (2013-2014), the BTE students averaged 31.57 out of a possible 75 points on the assessment. A score of 35 was considered successful. The BTE program was one of the lowest scoring programs in the university during the pilot. Faculty members determined that several steps needed to be taken to assist BTE students in understanding and preparing for this new assessment. Consequently, faculty created an instructional framework to prepare students for the edTPA. Findings: After implementing the framework, student edTPA scores increased to a mean score of 48.5. The results indicated that candidate success on the edTPA can be impacted by three factors: instructor knowledge, candidate preparation, and candidate supports. If any one of the three factors is deficient, candidates are not as prepared as they could be for successful completion of the performance-based assessment.


This article was published in The Journal of Research in Business Education. Vol. 57 Issue 2, (2016).
