
Perceived Learning Outcomes from Participation in One Type of Registered Student Organization: Equestrian Sport Club

Document Type


SoTL Category

External/Clinical Experience; Student Reflections/Perspectives

Publication Date



Learning takes place both inside and outside of the classroom. While there are a few studies that focus on the professional, developmental, and learning outcomes of participation in student organizations, there has been insufficient research on these outcomes in sport clubs. The paper reports on the results of an online, primarily qualitative questionnaire study conducted with members of collegiate student Equestrian sport clubs. Data come from 50 club members participating in such organizations at 15 institutions in the U.S. The respondents completed a survey in which they were asked about their motivation for joining the organization and what they believed they learned as a result of their participation. The respondents reported equestrian and interpersonal reasons for joining, and that participation increased their development in a number of academic and professional areas, especially in terms of work ethic or time management or balance, collaboration or communication or teamwork, and leadership.


This article was published in Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Vol. 14, Number 3. (2014).
