"On the Same Team: Technical Services and Student Success Tackle Textbo" by Mallory Jallas, Julie A. Murphy et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Title

Association of College and Research Libraries 2023 Conference Proceedings

Publication Date

Spring 2023


During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, student textbook access and affordability have emerged as areas of focus for academic libraries to support student success. Librarians across departments at a public four-year institution developed a program to leverage campus information about textbook selection to inform library e-book purchases. The resulting eTextbook collection became an invaluable resource for students during the pandemic and created a direct connection between the work of Technical Services and Student Success. This presentation provides an overview of the project, discusses assessment elements, and highlights the vital aspects of collaboration within an academic library for student success.


The workflow discussed in this proceeding is available for use, copying, and adaptation at https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/mlp/32/, licensed CC BY 4.0.

ACRL2023OnTheSameTeam.pdf (1921 kB)
Presentation Slides



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