
Faculty Publications from 2025


Conflicted Help-Seeking: Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissistic Traits in College Students, Daniel G. Lannin, Rachel Brenner, Jake R. Solka, Amanda Martin, and Anthony Hermann

Faculty Publications from 2024


Decoding Variance and Predictive Ability in Selection Systems: An Application of Gauthier’s Framework of Rater Cognitions, Peyton Anderson


A Mixed Methods Investigation into Latino Fathers' Roles in Their Children's Educational Expectations, Jordan A. Arellanes, Kyle Miller, and Eric D. Wesselmann


Effects of Delay and Reminders on Time-Based Prospective Memory in a Naturalistic Task, Lauren D. Black and Dawn McBride


Sleight of Hand: Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulation Speed Across Infancy, Julie M. Campbell and Emily C. Marcinowski


Using Music to Feel Better: Are Different Emotion-Regulation Strategies Truly Distinct?, Jeffrey Kahn, Kaylee C. Enevold, Destiny Feltner-Williams, and Kendall Ladd


Is Precrastination Related to Updating and Inhibition Aspects of Executive Function?, Sanaii N. Masih, Ryan Jun Seong Liew, and Dawn McBride


Centering Veg*ns of Color: An Intersectional Imperative to Anti-Veg*n Stigma, Caitlin M. Mercier


Exploratory Actions as Mediators of the Association Between Career Exploration Self-Efficacy and Decisional Outcomes: Does Exploration Type Matter?, Margaret M. Nauta


Utilizing Text-Generative AI for Creating Oral Reading Fluency Probes, MacKenzie D. Sidwell, Landon W. Bonner, Kayla Bates-Brantley, and Shengtian Wu


Narcissism and Alcohol Use: The Mediating Role of Drinking Motives Among College Students, Jake R. Solka and Laura J. Finan


Created Stepping-Stone Configurations Depend on Task Constraints, Jeffrey B. Wagman, Maisha Tahsin Orthy, Amy M. Jeschke, and Tyler Duffrin

Faculty Publications from 2023


Awareness of Social Media Audiences among Adolescents in a School-Based Intervention, Keeley Hynes, Luke Russell, Daniel Lannin, Leandra N. Parris, and Ani Yazedjian

Faculty Publications from 2022


Perfectionist Concerns and Psychological Distress: The Role of Spontaneous Emotion Regulation During College Students' Experience With Failure, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Jennifer L. Woodrum

Faculty Publications from 2021


Regulating Sadness: Response-Independent and Response-Dependent Benefits of Listening to Music, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Kendall Ladd, Destiny A. Feltner-Williams, Amanda M. Martin, and Brooke L. White


Perfectionism and the Disclosure of Distress, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Jennifer L. Woodrum, Elizabeth M. Marsh, Mallory R. Bopp, and Dorothy A. Taylor


Perfectionistic Concerns, Emotion Regulation, and Psychological Distress: Competing Predictors and Indirect Effects, Jeffrey Kahn, Jennifer L. Woodrum, and Suejung Han


A Preliminary Evaluation of a Digital Token Economy to Increase Student Engagement during Group Teletherapy, Hunter King, Katerra Miller-Johnson, Keely McCulla, Aaron J. Fischer, Shengtian Wu, and Mikey Miller

Faculty Publications from 2020


Depression Symptoms' Impact on Personality Disorder Treatment: Depression Symptoms Amplifying the Interpersonal Benefits of Negative-Affect Expression, Daniel W. Cox, David Kealy, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Katharine D. McCloskey, and Anthony S. Joyce


Distress Concealment and Depression Symptoms in a National Sample of Canadian Men Feeling Understood as Loneliness as Sequential Mediators, Daniel W. Cox, John S. Ogrodniczuk, John L. Oliffe, David Kealy, and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Relational Aggression Victimization as a Predictor of Middle-School Girls' Self-Disclosure to Peers, Jayme L. Jones, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Samantha DeHaan Sullivan


The Moderating Effect of Depression Symptoms on the Concordance Between the Experience and Verbal Disclosure of Emotion, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Kyle J. Lawell, Alyssa Allen, Julia Henning, and Byron A. Heidenreich


Individual Differences in Expressive Suppression and the Subjective Experience, Verbal Disclosure, and Behavioral Expression of Anger, Samantha D. Sullivan and Jeffrey H. Kahn

Faculty Publications from 2019


The Attenuating Effect of Depression Symptoms on Negative-Affect Expression: Individual and Group Effects in Group Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders, Daniel W. Cox, David Kealy, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Katharine D. Wojcik, and Anthony S. Joyce


Nonlinear Effect of Depression Symptoms on the Time Course of Emotional Reactivity, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Daniel W. Cox, Kailey J. Simons, Alison N. Hamlet, and Brandon J. Hodge


Measuring Global Perceptions of the Research Training Environment Using a Short Film of the RTES-R, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Steven A. Miller

Faculty Publications from 2018


Emotional Disclosure and Emotion Change During an Expressive-Writing Task: Do Pronouns Matter?, Alleana Micaela M. Fuentes, Jeffrey Kahn, and Daniel G. Lannin


Maternal Attachment and Trajectories of Emotional and Social Adjustment During the College Transistion, Lynda M. Kasky Hernandez and Jeffrey H. Kahn


A Multi-Wave Test of Self-Affirmation Versus Emotionally Expressive Writing, Daniel G. Lannin, David L. Vogel, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Rachel E. Brenner, and Patrick J. Heath


Attachment Avoidance, Alexithymia, and Gender: Examining Their Associations With Distress Disclosure Tendencies and Event-Specific Disclosure, Julia I. O'Loughlin, Daniel W. Cox, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Amery D. Wu

Faculty Publications from 2017


Attachment, Emotion Regulation Difficulties, and Disordered Eating Among College Women and Men, Suejung Han and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Complex spatial language improves from 3 to 5 years: The role of prompting and overhearing in facilitating direction giving using between and middle., Alycia M. Hund, L Bianchi, J Winner, and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis


Pathways to school readiness: Executive functioning predicts academic and social-emotional aspects of school readiness., Alycia M. Hund, Trisha D. Mann, Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis, and Zachary J. Roman


The Role of Distress Disclosure Tendencies in the Experience and Expression of Laboratory-Induced Sadness, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Daniel W. Cox, A. Myfanwy Bakker, Julia I. O'Loughlin, and Agnieszka M. Kotlarczyk

Stress, Depression, and Anxiety Among Transitioning College Students: The Family as Protective Factor, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Lynda M. Kasky-Hernandez, Pamm Ambrose, and Sarah French


Distress Disclosure and Psychological Functioning Among Taiwanese Nationals and European Americans: The Moderating Roles of Mindfulness and Nationality, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Meifen Wei, Jenny C. Su, Suejung Han, and Agnes Strojewska


Heads up! Dynamic Similitude for Perception with an Object Wielded by Head or Hand, Jeffrey B. Wagman, Alex Dayer, and Alen Hajnal

Faculty Publications from 2016

Casual Effects of Language on the Exchange of Social Support in an Online Community, Sarah A. Biehl and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Executive functioning predicts reading, mathematics, and theory of mind during the elementary years., Rachelle H. Cantin, Emily K. Gnaedinger, Kristin C. Gallaway, Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis, and Alycia M. Hund


Reading-Specific Flexibility Moderates the Relation Between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension During the Elementary Years, Emily K. Gnaedinger, Alycia M. Hund, and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis


Reading-specific flexibility moderates the relation between reading strategy use and reading comprehension during the elementary years, Emily K. Gnaedinger, Alycia M. Hund, and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis


Visuospatial working memory facilitates indoor wayfinding and direction giving, Alycia M. Hund


The Role of Social Support on the Disclosure of Everyday Unpleasant Emotional Events, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Kaitlyn E. Cantwell

Faculty Publications from 2015


Specifying Links Between Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind during Middle Childhood: Cognitive Flexibility Predicts Social Understanding, Allison M. Bock, Kristin C. Gallaway, and Alycia M. Hund


"So sad and slow, so why can't I turn off the radio": The Effects of Gender, Depression, and Absorption on Liking Music That Induces Sadness and Music That Induces Happiness, John D. Hogue, Andrea M. Crimmins, and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Topic of Conflict in Emerging Adults' Romantic Relationships, Marla Reese-Weber, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Rebecca Nemecek


Talking About Daily Emotional Events: Psychological Well-Being Moderates the Intensity-Disclosure Link, Mary Beth Ryan and Jeffrey H. Kahn

Faculty Publications from 2014


Shameful Secrets and Shame-Prone Dispositions: How Outcome Expectations Mediate the Relation Between Shame and Discourse, Leslie B. DeLong and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Emotional Avoidance and Rumination as Mediators of the Relation Between Adult Attachment and Emotional Disclosure, Angela M. Garrison, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Steven A. Miller, and Eric M. Sauer

Faculty Publications from 2013


Disentangling the Effects of Depression Symptoms and Adult Attachment on Emotional Disclosure, Angela M. Garrison, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Eric M. Sauer, and Michael A. Florczak


Research Training in Professional Psychology, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Lewis Z. Schlosser


It's the Destination and It's the Journey: Using Multilevel Modeling to Assess Patterns of Change in Psychotherapy, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Joel Schneider


Exposure to Family Violence and Attachment Styles as Predictors of Dating Violence Perpetration Among Men and Women: A Mediational Model, Mary Lee, Marla Reese-Weber, and Jeffrey H. Kahn

Faculty Publications from 2012


The Distress Disclosure Index: A Research Review and Multitrait-Multimethod Examination, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Brandy E. Hucke, Allyson M. Bradley, Austin J. Glinski, and Brittany L. Malak


Preservice Teachers' Coping Styles and Their Responses to Bullying, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Jayme L. Jones, and Amy L. Wieland

Faculty Publications from 2011


Multilevel Modeling: Overview and Applications to Research in Counseling Psychology, Jeffrey H. Kahn


The Impact of Prior Counseling on Predictors of College Counseling Center Use, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Mona N. Williams


Personality as a Predictor of First-Semester Adjustment to College: The Meditational Role of Perceived Social Support, Kara M. Lidy and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Psychological and Social Correlates of Hiv Status Disclosure: the Significance of Stigma Visibility, Sarah E. Sutterheim, Arjan E. R. Bos, John B. Pryor, Maartje Liebregts, Herman P. Schaalma, and Ronald Brands

Faculty Publications from 2010


Intraindividual Relations Between the Intensity and Disclosure of Daily Emotional Events: The Moderating Role of Depressive Symptoms, Angela M. Garrison and Jeffrey H. Kahn


The Graduate Research Training Environment in Professional Psychology: A Multilevel Investigation, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Lewis Z. Schlosser

Faculty Publications from 2009


Individual Differences in Emotion Expression: Hierarchical Structure and Relations With Psychological Distress, Leah K. Barr, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and W. Joel Schneider


Emotional Self-Disclosure and Emotional Avoidance: Relations With Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Angela M. Garrison

Faculty Publications from 2008


Individual Differences in Emotion Expression: Hierarchical Structure and Relations with Psychological Distress, Jeffery H. Kahn, Leah K. Barr, and Joel W. Schneider


The Emotional Content of Client Disclosures and Session Impact: An Analogue Study, Jeffrey H. Kahn, David L. Vogel, Joel W. Schneider, Leah K. Barr, and Kristine Herrell


Psychological Processing Checklist: Technical Manual, Mark E. Swerdlik, Peggy Swerdlik, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and T. Thomas


Psychological Processing Checklist-Revised (PPC-R): Technical Manual, Mark E. Swerdlik, Peggy Swerdlik, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Tim Thomas

Faculty Publications from 2007


Fathers' Parenting Hassles and Coping: Associations With Emotional Expressiveness and Their Sons' Socioemotional Competence, Philip A. Foster, Marla Reese-Weber, and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Measuring Emotional Expression with the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Renee M. Tobin, Audra E. Massey, and Jennifer A. Anderson


Identity Status, Consistency and Differentiation of Interests, and Career Decision Self-Efficacy, Margaret M. Nauta and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Dyadic Perspectives on Advisor-Advisee Relationships in Counseling Psychology Doctoral Programs, Lewis Z. Schlosser and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Learning Styles as Predictors of Self-Efficacy and Interest in Research: Implications for Graduate Research Training, Crystal R. West, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Margaret M. Nauta

Faculty Publications from 2006


College Student Career Development, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus and Gerard A. Callanan


Factor Analysis in Counseling Psychology Research, Training, and Practice: Principles, Advances, and Applications, Jeffrey H. Kahn


Emotional Social Support and Job Burnout Among High-School Teachers: Is it all Due to Dispositional Affectivity?, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Kimberly T. Schneider, Theresa M. Jenkins-Henkelman, and Laura L. Moyle

Faculty Publications from 2005


Increasing empathic accuracy through practice and feedback in a clinical interviewing course, David F. Barone and Philinda S. Hutchings


The Stability and Impact of Environmental Factors on Substance Use and Problems After Adolescent Outpatient Treatment for Cannabis Abuse or Dependence, Mark D. Godley, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Michael L. Dennis, Susan H. Godley, and Rodney R. Funk


Institutional Research Productivity, Use of Theory-Driven Research, and Statistical Application in Counseling Psychology: Examining the Research Base, Jeffrey H. Kahn


Measuring the Tendency to Conceal Versus Disclose Psychological Distress, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Robert M. Hessling


Working Alliance, Treatment Satisfaction, and Patterns of Posttreatment Use Among Adolescent Substance Users, Brooke T. Tetzlaff, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Susan H. Godley, Mark D. Godley, and Guy S. Diamond

Faculty Publications from 2004


Factor Structures of Three Measures of Research Self-Efficacy, Michelle Forester, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis


Familial Predictors of Sibling and Romantic-Partner Conflict Resolution: Comparing Late Adolescents From Intact and Divorced Families, Marla Reese-Weber


Client Self-Disclosure as a Predictor of Short-Term Outcome in Brief Psychotherapy, Apryl E. Sloan and Jeffrey H. Kahn


A Prospective Validation Study of Inclination, Belief, and Context Predictors of Family-Focused Prevention Involvement, Richard L. Spoth, Cleve Redmond, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Chungyeol Shin

Faculty Publications from 2003


Social Support, Health, and Well-Being Among the Elderly: What is the Role of Negative Affectivity?, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Robert M. Hessling, and Daniel W. Russell


Why do Men Distance? Factors Predictive of Male Avoidance of Intimate Conflict, Christina A. Ward, Raymond M. Bergner, and Jeffrey H. Kahn

Faculty Publications from 2002


Disclosing Versus Concealing Distressing Information: Linking Self-Reported Tendencies to Situational Behavior, Jeffrey H. Kahn, David H. Lamb, Crystal D. Champion, Jennifer A. Eberle, and Kari A. Schoen


The Utility of Career and Personality Assessment in Predicting Academic Progress, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Margaret M. Nauta, R. Dennis Gailbreath, Jane Tipps, and Judy M. Chartrand


Identifying the Antecedent in the Relation Between Career Interests and Self-Efficacy: Is it one, the Other, or Both?, Margaret M. Nauta, Jeffrey H. Kahn, James W. Angell, and Erika A. Cantarelli

Faculty Publications from 2001


Predicting the Scholarly Activity of Counseling Psychology Students: A Refinement and Extension, Jeffrey H. Kahn


Client Distress Disclosure, Characteristics at Intake, and Outcome in Brief Counseling, Jeffrey H. Kahn, John A. Achter, and Erika J. Shambaugh


Social-Cognitive Predictors of First-Year College Persistence: The Importance of Proximal Assessment, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Margaret M. Nauta


Identifying the motivations of African American volunteers working to prevent HIV/AIDS, Glenn D. Reeder, Denise McLane Davison, Keshia L. Gipson, and Matthew S. Hesson-McInnis

Faculty Publications from 1998


A Multiple-Groups Analysis of Predictors of Higher Level Career Aspirations Among Women in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Majors, Margaret M. Nauta, Douglas L. Epperson, and Jeffrey H. Kahn


Analyzing Data From Experimental Studies: A Latent Variable Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Daniel W. Russell, Jeffrey H. Kahn, Richard Spoth, and Elizabeth M. Altmaier

Faculty Publications from 1997


Factor Structure of the Research Training Environment Scale-Revised: Implications for Research Training in Applied Psychology, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Charles J. Gelso


The Influence of Student Problem-Solving Appraisal and Nature of Problem on Likelihood of Seeking Counseling Services, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Margaret M. Nauta


Predictors of Research Productivity and Science-Related Career Goals Among Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students, Jeffrey H. Kahn and Norman A. Scott

Faculty Publications from 1996


Client Self-Presentations at Intake, Anita E. Kelly, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Russell G. Coulter


A Model of the Effects of Protective Parent and Peer Factors on Young Adolescent Alcohol Refusal Skills, Richard Spoth, Seongmoo Yoo, Jeffrey H. Kahn, and Cleve Redmond