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Faculty Publications from 2025


Reproductive futurity: Policy, Pop-Culture, and Praxis, S. Gavin Weiser and Lindsay DeMartino

Submissions from 2024


The Impact of Instructional Modality on Student Course Evaluations: a Comparative Analysis, Matthew R. Aldeman, Celeste M. Calkins, and Theodore J. Branoff


Decoding Variance and Predictive Ability in Selection Systems: An Application of Gauthier’s Framework of Rater Cognitions, Peyton Anderson


Children's Nature Play: Access to the Outdoors and Interactions with Biodiversity, Allison Antink-Meyer, Anthony W. Lorsbach, and Ryan A. Brown


Cultivating a Collectivist Community on a College Campus for Latinx Students, Jordan A. Arellanes, Michael Hendricks, and Chang Su-Russell


A Mixed Methods Investigation into Latino Fathers' Roles in Their Children's Educational Expectations, Jordan A. Arellanes, Kyle Miller, and Eric D. Wesselmann


Teaching in Two-Way Dual-Language-Bilingual Education: An Analysis of Teacher Language Ideologies and Linguistic Practices, Evelyn C. Baca


The Relationship Between the Working Environment and Quality of Life Among Home Health Aides: Focusing on the Mediation Role of Burnout, Sehyun Baek, Oejin Shin, Soobin Park, Ahra Ko, Sojung Park, and Eun-Na Kang


Characteristics of adolescent romantic partnerships and their associations with partnership qualities, Jonathon J. Beckmeyer and Gabrielle C. Kline


Quantum Interference Enhancement of the Spin-Dependent Thermoelectric Response, Runa X. Bennett, Joshua R. Hendrickson, and Justin P. Bergfield


Identifying Quantum Interference Effects from Joint Conductance–Thermopower Statistics, Justin P. Bergfield


Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Silicon Dioxide in Polymers with Ester Groups─Insight from In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy, Mahua Biswas, Vepa Rozyyev, Anil U. Mane, Amelia Korveziroska, Uttam Manna, and Jeffrey W. Elam


Effects of Delay and Reminders on Time-Based Prospective Memory in a Naturalistic Task, Lauren D. Black and Dawn McBride


Dystopian Young Adult Literature as Waypoints to Censorship across Time and Space, Shelby Boehm and Savannah Bean


Immobilization of Thiol-Modified Horseradish Peroxidase on Gold Nanoparticles Enhances Enzyme Stability and Prevents Proteolytic Digestion, Faith E. Breausche, Annelise Somerlot, Jason Walder, Kwame Osei, Samuel Okyem, and Jeremy D. Driskell


Sleight of Hand: Role-Differentiated Bimanual Manipulation Speed Across Infancy, Julie M. Campbell and Emily C. Marcinowski


We’re Going Streaking!: Associations Between the Gamification of Mediated Communication and Relational Closeness, Caleb T. Carr and Sarah F. Rosaen


School Copaganda in the US South: Tinsel, Twinkle, and Police-Youth Programming, Hannah Carson Baggett and Kaitlyn Selman


Examination of Nursing Staffs’ Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccine Using the Health Belief Model, Aidan Cossio, Wilson Cobb, Addison Fugitt, Sandra Nielsen, Matthew Hesson-McInnis, and Marilyn Prasun


Remembering Redlining: Trauma, Anti-Blackness, and Afro-Pessimistic Affect in Them, Byron B. Craig and Stephen E. Rahko


Rockin’ the Regime: Mormon Missionaries, American Popular Music, and the Fading of Spanish Fascism, Ryan A. Davis


Accessing and Assessing Components of Elementary and Middle School Students’ Mathematical Disposition Through Metaphors, Emily Deal, Edward Mooney, Amanda Cullen, Neet Priya Bajwa, Allison M. Kroesch, Julien Corven, and Beth MacDonald


Antibody-Driven Assembly of Plasmonic Core–Satellites to Increase the Sensitivity of a SERS Vertical Flow Immunoassay, Eunice Ebbah, Anthony Amissah, Jun-Hyun Kim, and Jeremy D. Driskell


Roles and Responsibilities When Learners Have CVI: Perspectives From Vision Professionals, Mindy Ely, Ashley Strausbaugh, and Amy Yount


Finding the Humanity in Policy Work: A Teacher Educators’ Response to the 2023 AMLE Policy Agenda, Kristina N. Falbe


Survey of Occupational Hygiene Professional Practice in Spanish-Speaking Countries, Thomas P. Fuller and Jennifer Peterson


Limitations and Potential Dark Sides of Transformational Leadership: The Case of the Founder and Former CEO of Theranos, Wenjuan Guo, Junnan Cui, Lucy Arendt, and Jamie O'Brien


Meaningful Consumption, Aditya Gupta, Meike Eilert, and James W. Gentry


Uplifting the Voices of Asian American Parents Through an Online Family Book Club: Elicited and Silenced Cultural Knowledge, Ling Hao


Avian Extraembryonic Membranes Respond to Yolk Corticosterone Early in Development, Emily P. Harders, Mitch Agustin, and Ryan T. Paitz


A Data-Driven Machine Learning Approach for Electron-Molecule Ionization Cross Sections, Allison Harris and Josh Nepomuceno


Liberalism During Its Respectable Era, Andrew Hartman


The Best of Both Worlds: Affiliation and Agency in Traditional and Gig Work Choices, Nathan S. Hartman and Joy H. Karriker


Music Instruction at the California Labor School, 1942–1957, Phillip Hash


Imaginary Margins: Disability Poetics & Reinventing the Page, Audrey T. Heffers


Jon’s Heroes in Training: A Cross-Sector Collaboration Serving University and Community Stakeholders, Mary L. Henninger, Brittany LeFevre, Harriett Steinbach, Geralyn Miskulin, and Joe Miskulin


Explaining the Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Status in Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals, Kimberly A. Ingold and Brent Teasdale


Grammaticality Judgements of Tense by Young Adult Speakers of Shona, McLoddy R. Kadyamusuma


Using Music to Feel Better: Are Different Emotion-Regulation Strategies Truly Distinct?, Jeffrey Kahn, Kaylee C. Enevold, Destiny Feltner-Williams, and Kendall Ladd


Loosely Defined: Neoliberalism, Democracy, and Discursive Contestation in Post-Brown Education Reform, Laura E. Kalmes


Mapping and Spatial Analysis to Expand Rural Broadband Access, John C. Kostelnick, Jonathan B. Thayn, and Koushik Sinha


Paraprofessionals’ Implementation of Constant Time Delay Procedures with Elementary Students with High-Intensity Behavioral Support Needs, Allison M. Kroesch, Sarah Southall, Nancy Welsh-Young, and Katherine N. Peeples


An investigation of toddler risky play informed by the voices of parents and teachers of toddlers in one school setting, Megan Kybartas, Mary Jane Moran, and Tyler J. Kybartas


Expanded Transference: A Humanities Perspective on the Generative Core of Ernest Becker's Theory of Human Nature, Daniel Liechty and Jerry Piven


Parting Thoughts XXX: My Struggle With Disney and Cognitive Dissonance, Robin Lizzo


Seeking the Masculine with the Feminine: P-6 Pre-Service Teachers’ Views on Teaching About the 2020 US Presidential Election, Tom Lucey and Xiaoying Zhao


Is Precrastination Related to Updating and Inhibition Aspects of Executive Function?, Sanaii N. Masih, Ryan Jun Seong Liew, and Dawn McBride


Centering Veg*ns of Color: An Intersectional Imperative to Anti-Veg*n Stigma, Caitlin M. Mercier


The Unintended Consequences of Integrating Trauma-informed Teaching into Teacher Education, Kyle Miller and Karen Flint-Stipp


Proximal Discourses in Residential Facility Care Providers’ Sense-Making of Their Communication with Family Members of a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease, Aimee E. Miller-Ott and Tristin Evans


Exploratory Actions as Mediators of the Association Between Career Exploration Self-Efficacy and Decisional Outcomes: Does Exploration Type Matter?, Margaret M. Nauta


Tempus Fugit: Unraveling Temporal Occurrence and Display Order Effects of Online Information on Employer Impressions, Alina Niftulaeva, Omolola Lasisi, Millicent Elewosi, Matthew Edor, and Caleb T. Carr


Maps as Rhetorical Tools of Colonial Power and Alternative Cartographies: The Americas’ Cartographic Invention, Eda Özyeşilpınar


Words, Words, Words: Participants Do Not Read Consent Forms in Communication Research, Daria Parfenova, Alina Niftulaeva, and Caleb T. Carr


Moving Beyond Binary Measures of Gender in Political Ambition, Rolfe Daus Peterson, Carl L. Palmer, and Elizabeth Bosanko


Biaryl Anion Radical Formation by Potassium Metal Reduction of Aryl Isocyanates and Triaryl Isocyanurates, Steven J. Peters, Sean H. Kennedy, and Colton J. Christiansen


Supporting Collegiate Students in the United States Through Athletic and Career Transitions, Scott Pierce, Melvin Sangalang, Lilla Kisvari, Lindsey Kellar, and Eric Martin


Why Broker Novel Concepts into Economic Sociology? Transcending the New Economic Sociology, Aaron Z. Pitluck


Prophetic Dissent in Dark Times: the New Poor People’s Campaign and the Rhetoric of National Redemption, Stephen E. Rahko and Byron B. Craig


Negated Identities in Dominican Art Education, Felix V. Rodriguez Suero


Causes of Police Officer Career Apprehension Following George Floyd, Michael T. Rossler and Charles Scheer


Assessment of Conjugation Pathways in N-Methylporphyrins that are Fused to Acenaphthylene, Phenanthrene or Pyrene: Evidence for the Presence of Alternative Aromatic Circuits, Jared S. Salrin, Brian G. Carpenter, Deyaa AbuSalim, and Timothy D. Lash


Retirement Transition Sequences and Well-Being Among Older Workers Focusing on Gender Differences, Oejin Shin, Sojung Park, BoRin Kim, and Chi-Fang Wu


Narcissism and Alcohol Use: The Mediating Role of Drinking Motives Among College Students, Jake R. Solka and Laura J. Finan


Citizen Empowerment as a Police Force Multiplier: Reproducing Social Domination through a 21st Century Personal Safety App, Justin Turner and Travis Milburn


Created Stepping-Stone Configurations Depend on Task Constraints, Jeffrey B. Wagman, Maisha Tahsin Orthy, Amy M. Jeschke, and Tyler Duffrin


Preservice Elementary Teachers and Future Civic Teaching, Elizabeth S. White


Diastereoselective Synthesis of the HIV Protease Inhibitor Darunavir and Related Derivatives via a Titanium Tetrachloride-Mediated Asymmetric Glycolate Aldol Addition Reaction, Jordan M. Witte, Emmanuel Ayim, Christopher J. Sams, Jasmine B. Service, Caitlyn C. Kant, Lillian Bambalas, Daniel Wright, Austin Carter, Kelly Moran, Isabella G. Rohrig, Gregory M. Ferrence, and Shawn R. Hitchcock


Helping Students Make Meaningful Connections: A Cross-Sectional Survey of College Student Loneliness, Alicia Wodika, Jacqueline Lanier, Jim Almeda, Aubrey Richter, and Gabriella Schalasky


Collection Data: Sharing, Discovery, Inspiration, and Innovation, Angela Yon


Multidimensional Data Visualization and Synchronization for Revealing Hidden Pandemic Information, Qi Zhang and Nikhil Maram

Faculty Publications from 2023


The Scientific Curiosity of Preservice Elementary Teachers and Confidence for Teaching Specific Science Topics, Allison Antink-Meyer, Melisa Brown, and Alex Wolfe


Measuring Mental Health Service Preferences Amongst Illinois Dairy Producers, Michael Barrowclough, Brianna Messman, Daniel Lannin, Maria Boerngen, and Michelle Kibler


Experiencing Short Heat Waves Early in Development Changes Thermal Responsiveness of Turtle Embryos to Later Heat Waves, Anthony Breitenbach, Rosario A. Marroquín-Flores, Ryan T. Paitz, and Rachel M. Bowden


Temporal Impacts of Problematic Social Media Content on Perceived Employee Hirability, Caleb T. Carr, Mary C. Katreeb, and Ertemisa P. Godinez


A Clock Model for Planetary Conjunctions, Sunil Chebolu


Political Polarization and Price Dispersion: Recent Evidence from the Airline Industry During COVID-19, Jihui Chen


The Absence of Trauma-Informed Practices in the High School Production Process: A Qualitative Study, Jimmy Chrismon and Adam W. Carter


Mapping Communities of Mothering: Where Race, Class, Gender, and Space Intersect, Cynthia Edmonds-Cady


Self-disclosure of mental illness in the college classroom: the role of stigma and avoidance, Christopher Gjesfjeld and Jeffrey Kahn


Are the informal economy and cryptocurrency substitutes or complements?, Rajeev K. Goel and Ummad Mazhar


Scaling and Scalar Analysis as a Framework for Research on Teacher Learning, Lara J. Handsfield


Comprehension, Diagram Analysis, Integration, and Interest: A Cross-Sectional Analysis, Courtney Hattan, Eunseo Lee, and Alexandra List


Negotiating Infrastructural Citizenship Beyond the State: Philanthropy, Non-Profit Organizations, and the Flint Water Crisis, Melissa Heil


Awareness of Social Media Audiences among Adolescents in a School-Based Intervention, Keeley Hynes, Luke Russell, Daniel Lannin, Leandra N. Parris, and Ani Yazedjian


Impact of food insecurity on the health and well-being of college students, Jacqueline Lanier, Haley Lemp, Alicia Wodika, and Gabriella Schalasky


Transition Class: A Bridge from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education, Jamie Mahurin-Smith and Ciera M. Lorio


Asynchronous student engagement in analysis of climate data achieves learning objectives related to climate change understanding, statistical competence, and climate anxiety, Thomas Meixner, B. Ciancarelli, E. P. Farrell, D. Silva Garcia, T. Josek, M. M. Kelly, Paul Antone Meister, D. Soule, and Rebekka Darner


Understanding parents’ sense-making of their role in adolescent daughters’ social media use through the lens of relational dialectics theory 2.0, Aimee Miller-Ott, Lynne Kelly, and Samantha Schultz


The Interpretive and Relational Work of Financial Innovation: a Resemblance of Assurance in Islamic Finance, Aaron Z. Pitluck


Factors that Impact Assigned Female Sexual Minority Individuals Health Care Experiences: A Qualitative Descriptive Study, Maureen Rabbitte and Maithe Enriquez


Bladelets, Blood, and Bones: Integrating Protein Residue, Lithic Use-Wear, and Faunal Data from the Moorehead Circle, Fort Ancient, Robert V. Riordan, Logan Miller, and Abigail Chipps Stone


Long-Term Health Effects of Work Trajectories Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: The Mediating Role of Work, Material, and Social Environments, Oejin Shin, Ji Young Kang, Seoyeon Ahn, BoRin Kim, and Sojung Park


The Vignette Method: A Flexibile Method for Capstone Courses and as a Supplemental Learning Experience in Research Labs, Susan Sprecher


Stoic indulgence, gratuitous restraint: White feelings and campus art, Bert Stabler


Cross and Crown™: Trademarks and the Legal Naming of American Religions, Andrew Ventimiglia


U.S.-China Economic Links and Technological Decoupling, Kevin Zhang


‘I’m Not a Virus’: Asian Hate in Donald Trump’s Rhetoric, Jennifer Zheng and Joseph Zompetti

Submissions from 2022


New Data on Court Curbing by State Legislatures, Meghan Leonard


Data Scraping YouTube for the Study of Lieder Reception, Rachel E. Scott