Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Decoding the Past: Evolutionary History of North American Deer Mouse Populations on the Gulf Islands, Rachel Ann Berg
Illuminating How Nestling Mouth Color and Body Size Shape Parental Care in a Cavity-Nesting Species, Shana Border
Ecological Drivers of Plasticity and Parental Care in Poison Frogs, Olivia Brooks
Characterization of Tonneau1 Recruiting Motif Proteins and to N2 Signaling Functions, Tyler Falk
Mechanical Force Detection and Resilience in the Musculature of Caenorhabditis Elegans, Adina Fazyl
Course-based Undergraduate Research: A Catalyst for Developing Science Communication Skills in Undergraduate Students, Ebenezer Korkor
Effects of Individual Quality on Reproduction: Investigating Double Brooding and Egg Pigmentation in House Wrens ( Troglodytes Aedon ), Lauren Marie Leischner
Ecosystem Services Provided by the Novel Winter Cash Cover Crop, Pennycress, Ryan Thomas Meyer
Deciphering How Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli Defends Itself against the Neutrophilic Oxidant Hypochlorous Acid, Sadia Sultana
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Mutations in Lamin and How It Causes Multiple Tissue-Specific Disorders, Bismark Acquah
Synthesis and Biological Assessment of Alkyl Pyridine Antimicrobials, Juan Canchola
Exploring the Heterogeneity of Dopamine Signaling in the Rat Striatum, Rebecca Louise Chicosky
Expression of Rcrb Confers Resistance to Hypochlorous Acid in Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli, Mary Crompton
Disentangling Sexual Selection on a Complex, Multicomponent Trait: Song of the Northern House Wren, Rachael A. DiSciullo
Investigating the Antibiotic Potentiating Effects of a Novel Reactive Oxidant Species-Generating Antimicrobial., Gracious Yoofi Boafo Donkor
This Too Shell Pass: Investigating the Function of B Cells during an Immune Response in the Red-eared Slider, Trachemys Scripta, Christen Renee Fairow
Kif3 a Tail Domain Phosphorylation Is Not Required for Ciliogenesis in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Ayoola Fasawe
Leptopilina Heterotoma Responds to a Change in Host Species with Specific Altered Protein Expression, Dakota Fuss
Interrogating and Genetically Improving Drought Tolerance in the Oilseed Winter Cover Crop, Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. )., Carol S. Kiam Assato
Characterizing the Role of P38kb and Gars in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Piotr Stan Klos
Experimental Evolution under Varying Sex Ratio and Behavioral Plasticity in Response to Perceived Competitive Environment Independently Influence Male Cricket Calling Effort, Jack Thomas McKermitt
Investigating Heterologous Transgene Expression in N. Crassa, James Christopher Mierendorf
Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms of Spore Killing by Neurospora’s Meiotic Drive Elements, Nicholas Rhoades
Identification of Gap Junction Genes Involved in the Tail-Flip Escape Circuit of Marbled Crayfish, Rajit S. Roy
Investigating Eco-evolutionary Interactions between Hosts and Members of Their Gut Microbiota, Logan A. Sauers
Characterization of the Autoinhibition Mechanism of the Heterotrimeric Kinesin-2 Motor Protein Kif3a / Kif3 B, Caleb Ayooluwa Sawe
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Kills Staphylococcus Aureus in a Polyphosphate-Dependent Manner, Ritika Sujit Shah
Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Host Immunity in the Drosophila-parasitoid System and Its Application in a Course-Based Research Experience, Ashley Waring-Sparks
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Investigating How Ecologically Relevant Thermal Conditions Affect Gonadal Development in a Turtle with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Anthony Trey Breitenbach
The Regulation of Oxidative Stress in Age-Related Diseases, Jesica Burkhart
Plasticity in Female Incubation Behaviour Mitigates Effects of Experimentally Increased Nestbox Temperature on House Wren Nestling Growth and Survival, Paige Anne Farchmin
Effects of Depth and Cover Crop Treatment on the Functioning and Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities, Emily N. Hansen
Characterization of Adaptations That Confer Increased Resistance to High Salinity in Brine Shrimp, Jasmine Hatcher-Moorman
Understanding the Pathogenesis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using a Caenorhabditis Elegans Model, Kiley Hughes
Understanding the Regulation of Innate Immune Mechanisms and Its Relevance in Diseases Using Drosophila Melanogaster, Pooja Kadaba Ranganath
Investigating the Role of Amyloid Beta Peptides in Inflammation and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathogenesis, Nguyen Le
Of Mites and Brains: Ectoparasitism in Nestlings Alters the Development of Song Control Nuclei in European Starlings, Elliot Parker Lusk
Thermal and Hormonal Effects on Gene Expression and Development in the Red-eared Slider Turtle, Rosario A. Marroquin-Flores
Consequences of Microsporidian Prior Exposure for Virus Infection Outcomes and Bumble Bee Host Health, Elyse Christine McCormick
Mapping the Distribution of the Scarlet-Banded Barbet ( Capito Wallacei ) Using Geographic Information Systems ( Gis ) and Species Distribution Modeling ( Sdm ), Stephanie Marie Scherer
Trypanosome Infection Disturbs the Gut Microbiota of Bumble Bee Hosts, Bryan Sierra-Rivera
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Physiological Consequences of Neuromodulation and the Cellular Properties That Underlie Them, Margaret Louise DeMaegd
Reducing Seed Coat Fiber Content and Pod Shatter, and Engineering Medium Chain Fatty Acids-Containing Oil, in the Oilseed Crop Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. ), Maliheh Esfahanian
Rails at Different Scales: Ecological and Evolutionary Drivers of Vocal Behavior in Rallidae, Daniel Lorenz Goldberg
Investigating the Role and Localization of B Cells in the Red-eared Slider, Trachemys Scripta, Whitney Hurst
Increasing Total Lipid Content in Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. ) Utilizing Crispr-Cas9 and Transgenic Approaches, Damiano Marchiafava
In Defense of Plants: Salicylic Acid in a Host-Parasite-Pathogen System, Timothy Kyle Martin
Microplastic in Agricultural Tile Drainage and Stream Water during Periods of High and Low Flow, Laurel Grace McGinnis
Evaluating the Multi-level Community Effects of Root Hemiparasites in Northern Illinois, Anna Marie Scheidel
Characterizing Self-Inserting Carbon-Fiber Microelectrode Arrays for Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry, Brad M. Smith
Functional and Structural Characterization of Trms, Omid John Zare-Mehrjerdi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dissecting Dystrophin's Roles, Subcellular Organization, and Functional Network in Drosophila Oogenesis, Mina Amini Moghaddam
Identification of Innexins Contributing to Giant-Fiber Escape Responses in Marbled Crayfish, Abigail Marie Benson
A Molecular Toolset for the in Vivo Detection of a Sulfolobus Islandicus Leucyl Trna Synthetase Paralog, Nicholas Michael Bretz
Testing the Multiple Stressor Hypothesis: Chlorothalonil Exposure Alters Transmission Potential of a Bumble Bee Pathogen but Not Individual Host Health, Austin Christian Calhoun
Bioinformatic Analysis of Venom Proteins from Dasymutilla Occidentalis, Eva Gunawan
Impact of Contrasting Root Systems on Phosphorus Reduction in a Constructed Wetland, Joy Hall
Does Our Relationship with Nature Influence Our Argumentation Skills about Biodiversity Conservation?, Iresha Nadeeshani Jayasinghe
Determination of the Summer Origins of American Kestrels ( Falco Sparverius ) Wintering in Northern and Central Illinois, Taylor P. Joray
Characterizing the Transport of Parasitoid Wasp Genaspis Hookeri Venom Serca into Host Drosophila Hemocytes, Christopher Lark
Investigating the Regulation and Role of P38 Mapk in Collagen-Related Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, Briseida Oceguera-Perez
Reconsidering Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum, Eric Michael Walsh
Elucidating the Role of the High Aliphatic Glucosinolate ( Hag ) Genes in Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense L. ) Glucosinolate Production, Dalton Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Deciphering the Consequences of Yolk Testosterone Metabolism in Birds, Nicole A. Campbell
Overcompensation in Aedes Mosquitoes Populations: Field Tests on Likelihood and an Agent-Based Model To Investigate the Influence of Cohort Structure, Katherine G. Evans
Regulation of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton and Cell Wall Development in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Christy J. Fornero
Refuge-Mediated Apparent Competition in a Tallgrass Prairie?, Jessica R. Fowler
A Male-Female Genotype-by-Genotype Interaction Mediates the Effect of Mating on Female Immunity in Decorated Crickets, Kylie J. Hampton
An Investigation of Bacteremia in Drosophila and Human Sepsis Progression, Joshua Hill
Connecting the Dots: Exploring the Relationship between Avian Eggshell Pigmentation and Paternal Provisioning Effort, Kara E. Hodges
Characterization of Pth Type-2 Receptor ( Pth2rb ) and Its Endogenous Ligand Pth2 in Zebrafish Development, Nicholas Seitz
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Identification of Age-Related Downstream Targets of P38 B Mapk, Michael James Almassey
Out of the Shell: Exploring the Phagocytic Capabilities of the B Cell and Isolated Lymphoid Follicle-Lie Structures in the Red-eared Slider, Trachemys Scripta, Marc A. Ashford Jr.
Learning and Behavior in Hatchling Trachemys Scripta Exposed to Bisphenol-a during Embryonic Development, Justin E. Dillard
Constructing a Data-Based Mortality Profile for Avian Tower Kills at Telecommunication Towers in Illinois, Rachel DiPietro
Exploring the Terminal Investment Hypothesis in a Nuptial Gift -giving Cricket Species, Gryllodes Sigillatus, Kristin Rae Duffield
A Combinatorial Premotor Neural Code: Transformation of Sensory Information into Meaningful Rhythmic Motor Output by a Network of Heterogeneous Modulatory Neurons, Christopher John Goldsmith
Generating a High Erucic Acid Seed Oil Variety of Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense ), Brice Jarvis
Identification and Analysis of Jak-Stat Pathway Genes in Drosophila Melanogaster Immunity, Pooja Kadaba Ranganath
Determining the Relationship between Aging and Oxidative Stress in a Drosophila Melanogaster P38 kb Framework, Aleksandra J. Majewski
Developing Pennycress ( Thlaspi Arvense ) as a Biodiesel Feedstock Crop and Plant Model System, Michaela McGinn
When Does Less Equal More? Assessing the Mechanisms Driving Compensatory Mortality and the Hydra Effect, Joseph T. Neale
Chamaecrista Fasciculata in Tallgrass and Sand Prairies: the Potential for Differential Responses, Robert W. Philips
Using Caenorhabditis Elegans To Model the Muscular and Neurological Impairments of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Anjelica M. Rodriguez
Examining the Specificity of Colonization of a Beneficial Bee Gut Community Member, Logan A. Sauers
Phenotypic Effects of the Mis-expression of Pmt-like Genes in Brachypodium Distachyon, Tyler Telander
Regulation of Staphylococcus Aureus Cell Envelope Autolysis and Lipid Composition, Kiran B. Tiwari
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Efficiency of Dna Repair Processes in Proximity of G 4 Dna Structures, Gloria Alvarado
Integrating Natural Variation in Thermal Conditions and Maternal Steroids into Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination, Amanda Wilson Carter
Temperature Effects on an Axon’s Ability To Maintain Phasing of a Rhythmic Motor System, Marissa Elaine Cruz
Altered Na, K- Atpase Isoform Expression in Artemia Franciscana in Response to Hypersaline Environments, Jessica Drenth
Identification of Novel Nuclear Proteins Required for Meiotic Silencing by Unpaired Dna in Neurospora Crassa, Dilini Ralalage
Elucidating the Molecular Parameters and Mechanism of Homology Searching during Meiosis in Neurospora Crassa, Nicholas Adam Rhoades
The Mechanistic Requirements of Passive H+ Import through the Na, K-atpase, Kevin S. Stanley
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dopamine Effects of Stimulant and Non-stimulant Drugs Used in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Preeti Chalwadi
A Gis Analysis of Land Cover Effects on Water Systems: Nutrients and Algae in Stormwater Ponds, Nicole Lee Kappel
Î?- Lactam-Induced Changes in Cell Wall Composition and Autolytic Properties of Daptomycin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, Michael Krzyskowski