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Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Iffy the Crumbsnatcher, Craig Steven Halle Jr.
Why Do Teachers Hate Ai N't? Eighteenth-Century Ideologies and Attitudes in Twenty-First-Century Classrooms, Robin Elise Halsey
Self-Expansion Motivation and Romantic Liking in Relationship Initiation, Nicole Melissa Hilaire
"Take a Sad Song and Make It Better": Exploring Rewards Related to Liking Unfamiliar Sad Music, John Hogue
Discursive Tactical Negotiations within and across Literacy Coaching Interactions, Carolyn S. Hunt
Zuzu's Petals, Jeffrey James Jarot
Exploring Factors That Influence the Choice To Retire from Driving in Older Adults, Debra J. Jenkins
The Effect of Media Selection on the Membrane Characteristics and Fatty Acid Composition of Staphylococcus Aureus, Seth Russell Johnson
Perceptions of Educational Administration Pre-service Training by Former Illinois Superintendents Currently Serving as University Professors, Douglas Raymond Kaufman
The Effects of Planting Techniques on Maize Grain Yield and Silage Production, Tyler D. Kaufman
Improving the Efficiency of Fall Applied N with Cover Crops, Corey Lacey
Relationships between Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Mindsets, Attributions, and Learning Strategies: an Exploratory Study, Christopher Lackey
Validity of Four Activity Monitors during Controlled and Free-Living Conditions, Joey Lee
Who Do You Play for? : Naming, Difference and the Creation of Scandal in Literature, Tristan Lipe
Nursing Faculty Retention in Private Not-For-profit Colleges and Universities: a Qualitative Study, Sharon Lyons Marquard
The Function of a Middle Woodland Site in the Central Illinois Valley: a Ceramic Study of Ogden-Fettie, Montana L. Martin
An Examination of the Role of Fundraising in Divisions of Student Affairs at Seven Four-Year Public Universities in the Midwest, Danielle Nicole Miller-Schuster
Citizens without a Nation: the Construction of Haitian Illegality and Deportability in the Dominican Republic, Sasha Miranda
Effortful Control, Intervention Dosage, and Children's Responsiveness to a Primary Prevention Program, Nicole Ashley Moore
Application of Ambient Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Emerging Organic and Inorganic Environmental Contaminants, Jamie Nizzia
Correlation of Shoulder and Elbow Kinetics with Ball Velocity in College Baseball Pitchers, Eric Post
Second Screen: a Qualitative Exploration of New Television Multitasking Behaviors, Erica Roehm
Good Hair, Bad Hair, Dominican Hair, Haitian Hair, Katie E. Saunders
Secondary Education Teacher Preparation Programs Should Differentiate Curriculum and Instruction for Traditional and Nontraditional Preservice Teachers, Cynthia Jane Schairer-Kessler
Metergoline, the Basolateral Amygdala and the Ventral Pallidum: Implications for Panic Disorder, Douglas Ryan Schuweiler
Videoconferencing Intervention for Depressive Symptoms and Loneliness in Nursing Home Elders, Theresa Marie Schwindenhammer
Examining Middle School Students' Statistical Thinking while Working in a Technological Environment, Melissa Arnold Scranton
Social Capital And Relational Work: Uncertainty, Distrust And Social Support In Azerbaijan, Dustin Samuel Stoltz
Disparity of Principal Accountability, Mary Kathryn Taylor
Understanding the Support Needs of People with Intellectual and Related Developmental Disabilities through Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis of Statewide Data, Yuwadee Viriyangkura
An Examination of Dietary Differences between French and British Households of Post-conquest Canada, Kristen Walczesky
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Reading Error Correction Procedures on the Reading Accuracy, Reading Fluency, and Reading Comprehension of Fourth Grade Students, Jennifer Wallace
Innovation in Academic Libraries during a Time of Crisis, Dane Michael Ward
Always Faithful: Photographic Works by Marissa Webb, Marissa K. Webb
Identifying with the Help: an Examination of Class, Ethnicity and Gender on a Post-colonial French Houselot, Erin Nicole Whitson
Beliefs and Instructional Practices of Four Community College Remedial Mathematics Instructors, Robin Marie Wucherer
Mark Twain and Critical Thinking in the Secondary Classroom, Daniel Zehr
Immune Strategy of a Long-Lived Ectotherm, the Red- Eared Slider Turtle, Trachmys Scripta, Laura M. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Traumatic Infidelities: Translating the Literature of the Armenian Genocide, Shushan Avagyan
Uplift and Blame: Minority Parents in the Discourse of Professional Educators, Katie Mitchell
Ethnic Diversity And Poverty: A Dynamic Panel Study Of Illinois Counties, Ambuj Neupane
Closures and Consolidation: Schools, Farms, and Population Decline in Rural Illinois, Eric Porter
Submissions from 2011
The Effect of Economic Freedom on Workers' Remittances to Labor Sending Countries, Lloyd Banwart
Catching a Cold: A Look at the Expected Contagion Effect of Neighboring Income Inequality, Jared Dellinger
Health and Disease on Hiwassee Island: A Study of Late-Mississippian Human Remains, Cassandra Pardo
Married and Cohabiting Men's Extra-Dyadic Relationships in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Two Health Behavior Models, Jared L. Ulschmid
Strong Ties and Strong Influences: Social Networks and HIV Prevention, Nicole M. Wengerd
Darle El Pecho: A Qualitative Exploration of Mexican Immigrant Mothers' Experience With Breastfeeding, Tessa Zevallos
Submissions from 2010
Economic Growth and Social Development, Janelle Jones
Submissions from 2009
Making Partnerships Count: A Case Study: The Role of Social Capital in the 2009 Homeless Count in Suburban Cook County, Jessica Aleksy
Impact of Microfinance and Remittances on the Livelihood of Nepali People, Bishal B. Kasu
Local Food Systems in Central Illinois: An Economic Impact Analysis, Joseph Lauchlan and Viktor Schrader
The Role of Language and Politics: A Look at National-Identity Formation in Eastern Ukraine, Andrew Maxwell
Submissions from 2008
Mainstream and Alternative News in Seattle: A Comparative Media Frame Analysis of WTO Protest Coverage, Richard Feffer S.
The Other Side of Metamorphosis: An Exploratory Study of How Partners of Transsexuals Experience Transition, Kara Harvey
Differences Lead to Differences: Diversity and Income Inequality Across Countries, Michael Hotard
Submissions from 2007
Income Growth in U.S. States: Is it Pro-Poor?, Brandon Curtis
Financial Liberalization and Money Demand in Mauritius, Rebecca Hodel
The Impact of HIV on Economic Development, Kate Jones-Smith
An Analysis of the Application of Club Good Models to Determine Carrying Capacity of National Parks, Rachel Smith
Minimum Wage as a Poverty Reducing Measure, Kevin Souza
An Analysis of the Economic Impact of Biodiesel Production in Illinois, Kelly Uphoff
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Where the Green Money Grows: Assessing the Prospects of Ecotourism in Gabon, Daniel Chand
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Friends of the Oppressed: an Investigation of the Kane County Anti-slavery Society, Jeanne Schultz Angel
Submissions from 2003
Feminist Consciousness and Social Capital: Bonds, Breaks, and Bridges, Beverly A. Beyer
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
A Curriculum Design for Sport Tourism Studies in South Africa, Kamilla Swart
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The Development and Application of a Chronology for American Glass, Ronald William Deiss
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Effectiveness of Professionals vs. Paraprofessionals in the Group Management of Test Anxiety, Matthew P. Bars
Submissions from 1970
Effects of Advertising and Product Differentiation Upon Industry Growth Rates, David Charles Shurr
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Albert D. J. Cashier and the Ninety-Fifth Illinois Infantry ( 1844-1915 ), Mary Catherine Lannon
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The Development of a Test for Understanding of Scientific Attitude, Roland Ray Kratzner
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Men of Peoria in the Civil War, Raymond Wesley Sanders