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Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Feasibility Study of an Alternative Approach To Recycle Shipping Containers, Tofig Mammadov
Revisiting Tired Old Fields with New Technologies: Three Dimensional Modeling and Structural Analysis of the Dudley Pool Oil Reservoir, Edgar County, Il, Jordan M. Martin
Perceived and Actual Similarity as Predictors of Self-Disclosure and Perceived Understanding at Zero Acquaintance, Rebecca A. Martin
Addressing Disability in the Art Classroom: Pre-service Teachers and Programs, Stephanie Karlene Mays
"It's Tribal, Not Racist": Exposing Hegemonic and Subaltern Ideologies in' Orange Is the New Black', Taylor Warren McDonald
"What Happened to Americans First ???": Rhetorics of Whiteness in Online Reader Comments, Kristi McDuffie
Mexican / Mexican American Foodways as Communication of Cultural Identity, Charity Jo Mendoza
High School Principals and Self-Efficacy: a Phenomenological Examination into the Belief in Ability To Perform the Principalship, Michael S. Miller
Music Therapy as Treatment for the Psychological Distress of Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Comparing Expressive and Receptive Music Interventions, Kristiana Miner
The Storm Still Echoes: Suspense and Ambivalence as a Way of Life, Shailen Mishra
Cell Wall Mutants in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Christy Jane Moore
Using an Agent-Based Model To Study the Effect of Reproductive Skew on Mongoose Populations, Stacy Lee Mowry
Children's Responses to Cooperative and Competitive Games: a Person X Situation Analysis, Thomas David Mulderink
Clinical Interviews Shed Light on Relationships between Next Generation Science Standards Dimensions in Upper Elementary Students, Sean Thomas Mullins
Switching Tactics: Phenotypic Plasticity in the Alternative Mate-Finding Tactics of Burying Beetles, Theresa Mulrey
Teacher Evaluation: Teachers' Past Experiences and Their Responses to Impending Reform, Julie Hepton Nelson
Utilizing Illinois State University's Environmental Legacy and Historical Collections To Sustain a Global Future, Melissa Nergard
Rhetorics of Silence and Disarticulation in Transgenerational Spaces in World War I and World War Ii Literature, Irina Nersessova
Influence of Dietetic Internship Directors' Involvement with Research on the Research Curriculum in Dietetic Internship Programs, Amanda Margaret Bergschneider Newell
Mathematics in the Charmed World: Creating a Mathematical Environment through Robotics Play, Megan L. Nickels
Watch and Learn: a Documentary Exploring the Effects of Video-Based Pedagogy, Chris Matthew Noel
Dr. Frankenstein's Hideous Progeny: a Typology of the Mad Scientist in Contemporary Young Adult Novels and Computer Animated Film, Farran Leanne Norris Sands
Can Non-haptic Manipulation of Temperature Influence the Same Emotions as Ostracism?, Rebecca Ann Oglesby
Effects of Physical Characteristics of Urban Storm Sewersheds on Water Quality in Bloomington, Il, Alicia Terese O'Hare
Validation and Application of Ambient-Sampling, Portable Ms Systems for Forensic Analysis, Adam Edward O'Leary
Illinois Teacher Evaluation Student Growth Component: a Predecision-Making Policy Analysis, Joshua Robert Olsen
Associations between Physical Activity and Weight Status with Grade-School Performance, Taylor Panfil
Analysis of Plant Lignin Formation and Engineering for Biofuels Production, Deborah Lynn Petrik
Reconceptualizing Markets: Hip- Hop Artists, Marketing, Distribution, and Consumers, Ronald Pikes
Stacked Negotiations, Krista Gabrielle Profitt
Investigations into the Genomes of Two Ascomyetes, Jay Wilbur Pyle
Synthesis and Characterization of Rare-Earth Free Doped Sr3 Mo4 F ( m= Al, Ga ) Anti-perovskite Compounds with Application to Led Lighting, Calvin Dakota Quilty
Harry Potter and the Moral Spectrum of Care: Using Feminist Care Ethics To Analyze Morality, Shelby Ragan
From Footnotes to Focus: Reconceptualizing Modernist Culture through the Labor, Gendered Materialism, Economics, and Lesbian Discourse of Sylvia Beach, Natalie Barney, and Gertrude Stein, Catherine A. Ratliff
Investigating Preschool Teachers' Implementation of Multicultural Curriculum through Teacher Evaluation Approaches, Anna Krummel Reinking
Functional Expression and Characterization of a Truncated Candida Antarctica Lipase B in Yeast, Samantha Robinson
Seta Structure in Members of the Coleochaetales ( Streptophyta ), Timothy Richard Rockwell
Technical Communication as Teaching: a Grounded Theory Study of Cognitive Empathy and Audience Engagement among Computer Science Majors in a Technical Communication Classroom, Robert Michael Rowan
Tenant Management Groups in Chicago Public Housing 1940-1990: 50 Years of Struggle and Progress, Megan Helene Rufin
Exterminating Their Futures: Case Studies in Post World War Ii Eugenics, Ashlee Diane Russeau-Pletcher
Unknown Threat Detection with Honeypot Ensemble Analsyis Using Big Datasecurity Architecture, Michael Eugene Sanders
Cliffdwellers: a Study in Wildness, Stoney Larkin Sasser
Investigating the Initial Detection Stage of Meiotic Silencing by Unpaired Dna in the Model Organism Neurospora Crassa, Pegan A. Sauls
Enzyme Supplementation To Increase Value of Soybean Hulls Fed to Finishing Swine, Libby Jean Schertz
The Perceptions of the Unwanted Horse Population in Illinois 2015, Kelsey Annette Schueler
Bacterially-Based Immune Challenges and Trauma Elicit Terminal Investment in Male Aedes Aegypti, Molly K. Schumacher
Fictions I-iv, Laura Rose Schwartz
An Old Soldier's View of the Early Cold War, 1949-1953, Daniel Scott
"Do You Even Lift Bro? "an Investigation of the Male Viewer's Response to Idealized Body Images in Competitive Reality Television., Caitlin Marie Shaffer
Mentoring: Experiences of Physical Education Teachers with in-Content and out-of-Content Mentors, Molly Bosché Sharer
Waking Dormant Researchers: Student Co-research as Writing Research Methodology and Pedagogy, Angela Renee Sheets
Life Is Calling ... How Far Will You Go ... Back in the Closet? Identity Negotiation and Management among Queer, Peace Corps Volunteers, Kate Elizabeth Slisz
The Countryman: Joseph Addison Turner and the Cultural Construction of Confederate Nationalism, Christina Lea Smith
Challenging Representation: Lalla Essaydi, Shirin Neshat, and Shadi Ghadirian, Elizabeth Smith
Applying a Feminist Disability Methodological Framework in Technical Communication by Interrogating Access & Deconstructing Social Barriers of Exclusion, Barbi Smyser-Fauble
Kindergarteners' Engagement and Outcomes of Two Editions of the Second Step Curriculum, Alyssa Sondalle
Perceptions of the Roles of Paraprofessionals and Other Support Strategies To Assist Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom, Chrystyna Eliashevsky Sroka
Implicit Bias in College Student Conduct Systems, Scott Stallman
The Goals of Communicative Responses to Short-Term Worrisome Events in Close Relationships, Pamela Jane Steskal
Frontier Respectability to Gilded Age Splendor: Women and Consumerism in the Cultural Development of Bloomington, Illinois, 1839-1900, Kera B. Storrs
Antecedents and Correlates of Work Engagement in Adolescents, Nichoals James Strong
Success from the Sideline: How Communicative Processes of Coaches' Decision-Making Styles Relate to Rugby Team Success, Kelley Sullivan
The Effects of Compressive Myofascial Release on the Triceps Surae and Its Influence on Dorsiflexion at the Ankle, Taylor Anne Sullivan
Faculty as Institutional Agents for Students Enrolled in Developmental Education, Jennifer Jane Swartout
Transitioning to a Standards-Based Grading Model at the Middle Level: a Case Study, Jeffrey Scott Szymczak
Electrical Modulation of Pain: Gene Modulation Using both Pulsed Radiofrequency and Spinal Cord Stimulation, Dana M. Tilley
The Quiet Girl in the Quiet Room: Can the Subaltern Speak?, Julie Tran
Effects of the Developmental Environment on Oxidative Damage and Antioxidants in Red-eared Slider Turtle ( Trachemys Scripta Elegans ) Hatchlings, Lisa Allison Treidel
"for a Long Time I Thought Being Gay Made Me More White": a Qualitative Analysis of the Communicative Identity Negotiation of Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men, Michael Tristano
Kinetic and Mechanistic Effects of Substituents on the Aldehyde Portion of N- ( Hydroxybenzyl ) Benzamides, Kurt Scott Tyminski
Dietary Supplement Use, Perceptions, and Associated Lifestyle Behaviors in Undergraduate College Students, Student-Athletes, and Rotc Cadets, Arthur A. Valentine
Computational Investigations Of Oxygen-Containing Donor-Acceptor Complexes Involving Sulfur Dioxide Or Sulfur Trioxide, George A. Van Den Driessche
Using Software Defined Networking To Solve Missed Firewall Architecture in Legacy Networks, Jared Dean Vogel
Listen. I Have Something To Say! a Critical Inquiry into the Educational and Socio-cultural Context of African-American Male Student Achievement in an Urban School Setting, Patricia P. Watson
Raising the Bar: the Stories of Ged Graduates Transitioning to Community College, David Weatherspoon
Modeling and Simulation of Evacuation Plan for Hancock Stadium, Nirmal Neranjan Weerasekara
Developing & Describing the Use & Learning of Conceptual Models for Integer Addition and Subtraction of Grade 5 Students, Nicole Marie Wessman-Enzinger
Environmental Impacts on Life History in Container Breeding Mosquitoes, Kathleen May Westby
The Effect of Self-Adherent Tape and Lace up Ankle Braces on Ankle Range of Motion and Dynamic Balance in Collegiate Football Players, Kristin Willeford
Bathymetric Study and Volumetric Sediment Estimation for Lake Bloomington and Evergreen Lake, Illinois, a Geographic Information Systems Approach, Crystal K. Williams
G-Quadruplex Dna Structures and Site Specific Genetic Instability, Jonathan David Williams
Half the Art of Living: the Influence of Religion on the Relation between Interparental Conflict and Childhood Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors, Alexandra Michelle Wills
Fan the Flames of Discontent: Contemporary Labor Literature and Social Movements, Ericka Rae Wills
Personality Test Faking: Detection and Selection Rates, David J. Wolfe
In Vivo Modulation of Rhythmically Active Neural Networks in the Crustacean Stomatogastric Ganglion, Alexandra Mead Yarger
For-Profit Higher Education Students: How Are They Different?, Brian James Young
The Entry into Adulthood for Young Adult Cancer Survivors, Katie Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Synthesis of Novel Adj-Dicarbaporphyrinoid Systems and Theoretical Investigations into Porphyrinoid Aromaticity and Stability, Deyaa AbuSalim
Operating an Interior Design Firm in Saudi Arabia: Opportunities and Challenges for Professional Female Employees, Najah Alsaffaf
Bilingual Language Assessment: Contemporary Practice versus Recommended Practice, Graciela Arias
Evaluating Factors That Influence Treatment Integrity during Peer Consultation, Jennifer Ann Arms
Genetic Analysis of Ton2 Dependent Processes in Microtubule Organization in Arabidopsis Thaliana, Samantha Nicole Atkinson
Comparison of Body Composition Techniques in Determining Body Fat Percentages in College Age Students, Jillian Louise Barnas
Salinity Tolerance and Its Relationship to Potential Estuary Invasion by the Invasive Crayfish Orconectes Rusticus, Caisie Elaine Bazer
The Effects of Invasive Macrophytes Phragmites Australis and Typha Angustifolia on Nitrate Removal in High Nitrate Wetland Sediments, Lauren Mackenzie Beal
Causal Effects of Language on Exchange of Social Support in an Online Community, Sarah Anne Biehl